The ‘I Can’t Write’ Mindset — And How To Beat It

And no, it’s not the same thing as writer’s block

Deya Bhattacharya
The Startup


Photo Credits: Free Stock Photo from Pexels

Few things are treasured as much by writers as getting into the writing groove.

That state where you are caught in the grip of an idea and are fleshing it out as fast as possible and with all the focus you can muster.

It’s like tasting a higher state of being. And sure, it doesn’t last too long, but it’s invaluable for your output while it lasts.

The number of distractions and obstacles that hinder a writer from getting into the groove are too many to mention, and the smartphone is just one of them. We as humans live amidst distractions — our attention spans are designed to be prone to distraction. Some of these are the ones everyone talks about — texts, emails, social media, family commitments, social obligations, chores and so on. Those are what can be called “external” obstacles — they’re distractions to be overcome, of course, but they originate from other aspects of our lives that we can’t entirely turn our backs on.

There are other obstacles, however, that are self-induced. Obstacles that we create for ourselves and treat as serious obstacles even though they might not actually be that big.

