invest in jayy: what’s next for me!

jayy dodd.
2 min readOct 19, 2018

Since graduating college in 2014, I’ve navigated several avenues & projects trying to make sense of adult life & purpose. I am blessed to have a family & support system that has support my dreams in every way they are able & been patient with my navigation of the “real world”. While I am proud of what I have accomplished over the last 4 years, I did so navigating alcoholism & inconsistently treated mental illness. Since getting sober this spring, after a year of therapy & beginning my transition I feel more ready than ever to plant roots & develop the projects I’ve been sitting on for the last few years.

While writing & literary world are my main community access points, getting an MFA is not urgent to my practice & in many capacities undermines the work I have built toward literary community building. I also know I don’t have to demeanor or disposition to subject my work & intellect to that framework (again/at this time).

In my time post-college, I’ve managed to develop the Winter Tangerine Workshops program & am now embarking on new material spaces supported by the magazine & it’s community. This includes live workshops, panels, & reading series with the goal of creating a retreat in the desert for teaching artists.

These efforts have already been in the works, but a different commitment & support is needed to help manifest these dreams.

I’m looking for folks to donate, share & support investments into me & my art. I am hoping you see how urgent this crowdsourcing is to my sustainability. Please know, I am working endless with my own connections & skills, though I have learned asking for help is as important as needing it.

I am hoping to move out of my family’s home to Portland, OR by the New Year & I hope to be settled & announcing a new project in the desert by the spring.

With your help, I want to raise 2.5k by Dec 1st & 1.5k by Jan 1st for a total for $4000 as seed money into the next part of my life. I am working with people on securing jobs & other art opportunities in PDX (but any remote job leads you have would be appreciated).

Ways to support:

  1. Invest In Jayy (GoFundMe)
  2. Domestikkk (Patreon)
  3. Hire me for Editorial Consulting or Graphic Design
  4. Leave a tip ( jayydodd)



jayy dodd.

“i have been celestial before, i will be celestial again” | writer, editor, artist | contact: // she/her