田中亮平/G architects studioによるトタンの壁に葉っぱのモールの影を写し取った休憩所「葉っぱの涼屋」

dezain.net blog
6 min readFeb 19, 2015

Shed of leaf mobile— A small hut of port town by Ryohei Tanaka / G architects studio

田中亮平/G architects studioみなとメディアミュージアム2013に出店した休憩所「葉っぱの涼屋」を紹介致します。建物の古い記憶が写された壁の前で葉っぱのモビールが風で揺らめき、ささやかな涼しさが生まれている休憩所です。





田中亮平/G architects studioのその他の作品はこちら

Plan :
Section : A
Section : B

葉っぱの涼屋 by 田中亮平/G architects studio


Shed of leaf mobile — ghost in the leaf —
by Ryohei Tanaka / G architects studio

The project is an intervention of an aged shed situated in a small port town of Hitachinaka city, Ibaraki.

The owner finally decided to demolish this rusty timeworn shed this spring. The finishing blow that determined its fate was the tsunami that devastated the area two years ago. We, who were looking for a location for a kiosk for an art event which was booked for the same timing as the demolition, decided to borrow this shed and add a bit of face-lift for its twilight days.

Using leaves collected by local students, we held an art workshop. We press-dried the leaves as you would to make dry flower, attached them to the rusted corrugated wall by magnets and spray-painted over them. When these leaves are then peeled off, the pre-existing texture of the old building becomes revealed almost as if the old memory is excavated along with it. We would then use the leaves that were peeled off as a part of a kinetic art. Leaves are placed all around the shed as if to retrace the shape of the building.

For the duration of the summer art event in this small port town which still the scar of the earthquake disaster remains, the leaves mobile that has replicated the memory of the building passively sways with the slight air movement giving a sense of coolness to this small resting kiosk like a “ Fulin ”(Japanese glass wind chime).

If you need more information, please check here.

posted by Shin Yamashita

