No Spam in the Direct Message Inbox! — Credit: Pixaby

How To Direct Message Cold Prospects on Social Media

Dezaray Caraballo
3 min readJan 21, 2020


Without Making People Want To Instantly Block You!

TIP #1: 6 Mistakes To Avoid When Sending a Direct Message To Cold Prospects

TIP #2: 5 Secrets To Higher Conversions In Your Direct Message — The Copy Framework Every Direct Message Must Have

When sending your very first message to a cold prospect, make sure it is NOT a bot message or a copy & paste generic message!

This is 100% known by the reader to be a bot or generic copy & paste message, no matter how much you try to “personalize” it. Other than the name, you cannot personalize much of this type of message. So please, STOP doing this!

Instead, say something personal that is directly related to only them! Talk about what kind of business they have and how you genuinely admire/respect what they are doing!

“Making the first message about THEM and not you, is key!” 🗝

When you send a first message that talks all about YOU and what you do, it’s an instant turnoff. 🤢

Most messages say something like this: “I think this would be a great fit/benefit (insert some other generic saying) for you, or your business come check it out!”

…Can you say, Instant Block? Or worse, SPAM?!

This message will have low conversions because of the following 6 mistakes in the copy: (Tip #1)

  1. You are saying something is good for them, without ever having a real convo to personally find out if they could actually benefit from your product/service
  2. You are talking about you instead of trying to build a genuine connection with them
  3. You are immediately selling to them without ever giving real value first
  4. It is usually received with feelings of insincerity and in-authenticity. Both are HUGE no no’s when it comes to conversion copy
  5. People can tell you have sent this exact message, either by bot or copy & paste, to every single person you connect with. See #4 on why this doesn’t convert.
  6. All of this is made worse when it is done immediately when the connection is made! Again, see #4

The copy in ANY of your messages, but especially in that first touch, MUST: (Tip #2)

✔️ Be Genuine

✔️ Be about them

✔️ Show you actually looked at their profile and did research before sending a message

✔️ Be written to build an initial connection, NOT getting them to follow or join you >>> selling them 👎

✔️ Have the only goal be for a reply to your message! You want them to engage. That is the only goal of this first message.

If you follow these tips for your first touch message to cold prospects, you will definitely see an improvement in your conversions, but more importantly…

“Build a reputation of being someone who is genuine, thoughtful, and who wants to truly help others by figuring out their individual needs. And, you achieve this by cultivating real relationships.” ~ Dezaray Caraballo

Leave a comment 👇 and let me know your thoughts! Do you plan to implement these tips in your next direct message?

As always, remember…

“If you write to connect — your copy will convert” ~ Dezaray Caraballo

Dezaray Caraballo — Conversion Copywriter

