DFK AMA in Russian Community

4 min readOct 29, 2020


The first questions is:

“I understand the project has/will have 2 platform tokens, DFK and DFKii, what is the key difference between these assets? What is each of them used for and what benefits do the holders get?”

Sure, there are two different tokens.

DFKii is a collateralized lending stable coin. All DFKii will be generated by providing liquidity for Defiking dTrade or participating in transactions. There will be no private equity, pre-mining, and the team holding for DFKii. DFKii is the settlement proof of Defiking dTrade and the only proof of autonomy and dividends for Defiking dTrade.

DFK is the global universal asset of Defiking. With the iteration and expansion of system business, its token has multiple attributes such as governance tokens, settlement tokens, and equity tokens. It is a real application-type (functional) token and is uniquely competitive in terms of its deflationary effects.

DFKii is dTrade’s governance and settlement token. The unique model “turbo perpetual motor liquidity mining + parallel deflation mechanism” of DFKii is an economic model that not only encourages users to participate continuously but also promotes the rapid iteration of the platform, which gives the platform great expansibility.

As a governance token, DFK can be globally used for anyone holding the token to participate in project governance. Through a scientific governance system composed of governance polling, incentive proof, and proof of income, DFK holders can manage the DeFi technology contract protocol container and the financial risks of DFKii to ensure the stability, transparency, and efficiency of the entire system.

The DFK voting weight is proportional to the number of DFKs in the voting contract DSChief of the voters. In other words, the more DFK tokens locked in the DSChief contract, the more decision-making power they have.

Let’s move to the second question:

“It is indicated that the scenarios of DFK platform is quite a large number of one of them is ecological lending DFK, ABS, derivatives. What is the mechanics of ecological lending, how will it happen?”

Currently, the biggest difference is that the value of Defiking is to match the supplier and the demand side of liquidity with a smart contract and redistribute the income. Popular application scenarios include but are not limited to:

1) The lending market matches the lending parties.

2) Oracle, price matching source, and data demand side.

3) Asset cross-chain agreement: match the supplier providing custodian service with the asset cross-chain demander.

4) Decentralized trading agreement, match taker, and liquidity provider.

From the above application scenario, it is easy to see that the goal of Defiking is to provide DeFi market participants, including users, developers, financial market institutions, and transaction parties in the financial market, with a high-speed and low-cost next-generation decentralized open financial infrastructure.

For the former, by the parameterized DeFi template library of oracle protocol module, composite module, privacy protection, decentralized borrowing, decentralization and stable currency, decentralized saving protocol, any individual can conduct financial business based on Defiking. The ground applied Defiking Finance will also vigorously expand lending, ABS, and so on. The boundary of the decentralized financial business, at the appointed time, DFK will be needed in high frequency, and listed in the global top 10 exchange, becoming real “investments”.

For the latter case, the value of all the profits generated from this will be continuously projected to DFK. In other words, the value of the DeFi applications within the ecology, in a lossless manner, maximizing profits for DFK holders.

Third question is:

“Defiking was one of the first projects launched on JustSwap, so Tron Foundation actively promoted the project at first. Is this kind of promotion related to the launch or is it a long-term collaboration and you have further plans for joint development?”

DFK was launched on Uniswap and Justswap, the two most popular platforms for DeFi projects on ERC-20 and TRC-20 respectively.

We are in talks and moving forward with a lot of key market players regarding the strategic partnerships to expand and enhance DFK ecosystem. Obviously, we couldn’t disclose some of the join events before the public announcements but suggest to keep an eye on it.

Next question from user:

“Why does coingecko only have information about trading on Uniswap? As far as I know the DFK also trades on JustSwap and the BICC exchange. Do you plan to somehow update token information on these platforms so that users can know the exact trading volume, circulation and make decisions based on this information. Will there be expansion into large CEXs?”

Sure, we already working on updating the data on Coingecko and Coinmarketcap and there will be more information with our next listing on one of the leading exchanges in this industry. As everyone probably knows these platforms could be a bit slow sometime because of the big load.

At this stage, we are preparing all the materials and resources for the next big steps for exchange listings and marketing coverage. We have prepared a great listing strategy to cover different markets and move globally.

In the next few months, everyone will speak about DFK and its ecosystem, we are planning something really huge.

Follow our social media channels and stay tuned.

Maybe there will be/are transparency reports for users?

Actually, on Uniswap or Justswap everyone can easily check the volumes and liquidity directly on the platforms. Trackers like coingecko or coinmarketcap usually provide not reall accurate data because of the constant changes of algorithms.

Hopefully big things happen very soon.

Let’s move to the final question from Twitter:

“Defiking has recently launched a new product dTrade, so the question is, how much benefit will the currency holders get from participating in the pool?”

This is a good question. Please look at the official detailed rules for specific returns. At the same time, we need to believe in the future. In the future, the Defiking will provide more DeFi application scenarios for all kinds of LP currencies, promote DeFi integration, and connect all the public chains and assets. More benefits and reports are the rewards of our efforts. We believe that we will be better along the way and we need to work together.




A decentralised financial cross chain protocol platform