Quick & Dirty DeFi Kingdoms AMA — July 6, 2023

7 min readJul 10, 2023


Brief write-up of the DeFi Kingdoms’ public AMA. Fast read on key points and summaries.

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These are QUICK write-ups. No table of contents and limited formatting included.

Original Recording:

Question #1

What do you think of using Power Tokens as gas on another subnet on AVAX?


- Technically possible. Hints to last week’s subnet question.


- You never know. We’re always ready to pivot. Need to discuss it as a team.

Question #2

Does the team have the ability to reduce gas costs to drop it from 3 GWEI to 1 GWEI? In the event that Jewel rises in the future?


- We do have the ability to make small tweaks, like gas block limit from 25mil to 30mil.

- We can alter it to as low as 1 WEI.

- We can supply more block space as well to change the equation. Like Layer 2.

- The easiest route to reduce gas is to continue to optimize our contracts.

Question #3

Is there any interest in revisiting the growth of hero population?


- We had an RFC on this before. If people were open to the concept of increasing CDs for summoning. It did not pass.

- If there’s enough interest to revisit it, we could.

- We have also discussed new burn mechanics regularly in our tokenomics meetings.

- The talk site is there for you to use as a community!

Question #4

Can we see another Yellow Egg teaser?



Question #5

Is the team happy with rarity and supply of eggs since level 10 quests?


- Yes.

Question #6

Is it correct that the drop rate of tears is lower than 200x the drop rate of eggs?

For reader clarification: the question is suggesting that in the time it takes to get 1 egg, you get less than 200 tear drops (the required amount to hatch one egg)


- Not always true, especially with higher level heroes. I’d have to look at the actual numbers.

Question #7

Knowing that, do we expect to have use cases for eggs in other places in the future, or lowering the egg drop rate?


- We are considering other uses of eggs, among those mentioned, as well maybe something else…

- We could adjust the drop rates, but we’ll wait to see how things are going first.

Question #8

In regards to LPs with non-fractional quantities (Eggs, etc). There can be some problems with the UniSwap system. Can we add warning messages when creating LPs with non-fractional items?

Beetle Dude

- I think we can add that, yes. Added to my list.

Question #9

What are your thoughts on potentially incentivizing item pools with raffle tickets, or other non-power token emissions system?


- We’re getting very close to having the Bazaar out. This should address some of these issues.

- The Bazaar is partly meant to shift some of that liquidity to the order book.

Question #10

The “clutch” rager: A double clutch berserker activates his living rage skill and then basic attacks. Making an assumption that living rage does say 15% additional damage (could be any number). How much additional damage is the berserker doing? (clutch is bonus 30% damage when below 30% health, living rage brings serker down to 1 HP)


- With how we programmed it, it should be additive. So, clutch + clutch + living rage * the dmg.

Question #11

THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE: A Priest and Warrior are on the same team against a team with a Warrior. The priest activates Mercy, making allies (his warrior) and the opponent’s Warrior unable to die for some duration (it says “this round” in description). While Mercy is active the warrior activates his skill Highlander, and the two immortal heroes must battle for all time. Does the game just never end?


- We’ll have to look at that when we program it to make sure it doesn’t happen.

Question #12

Last Stand of the Sleeping Dragon: A Monk/Monk has the capstone ability Sleeping Dragon and the Elite trait Last Stand. With 21% of their health remaining they receive an incoming blow that would bring them to 0 hp for the first time in that battle. Are both the trait and the skill activated simultaneously? Or would one happen first and the other later? (Sleeping Dragon states first time this hero would go to 0 ignore that damage, Last Stand says, first time hero goes below 20% become invulnerable)


- That’s another one that will depend on how we program the order of operations. We’ll probably want the Monk’s ability to happen first. I appreciate you all pointing these out before we find them.

Question #13

The Ultimate Shield Wall: A team consists of 3 Legionnaires all of which have the skill Shield Wall. This skill distributes damage dealt to individual allies evenly amongst all other allies. When 3 legionnaires all have the skill active simultaneously the math on how the damage is distributed can get confusing. The opponent successfully hits one of the Legionaries for 9 damage (example used for easy math). With 1 Legionnaire and 1 shield wall this is simple the 9 becomes 3–3–3, however with 3 shield walls does it become 1–1–1, 1–1–1, 1–1–1?


- These are all nice edge cases being pointed out.

- We’d probably take an approach similar to Gloom Haven, where they have attack damage and suffer damage. Suffer damage can’t be impacted, but attack damage can.

Question #14

Does the shield wall skill activate individually so that the 9 damage becomes 3 instances of 1 damage done to all the legionnaires? And if so does each instance trigger a riposte and/or retaliate chance if those heroes have it active? (OHHH or if they have an archer subclass with flick shot!)


- Using the same example as before, the damage distributed wouldn’t be triggering any retaliatory effect.

Question #15

What if the attacking hero had toxic? Would the toxic proc?


- Same logic here. Attack is hitting the Legionnaire, then the Legionnaire is spreading the damage to himself.

Question #16

Fox had mentioned last week that we had taken advantage of some lower hanging fruit. What are the next options?


- Changing how much data is stored on the blockchain will take a while, but that’s one.

- QuestCore refactoring, as we’ve mentioned. Contract optimization.

- L1 improvements and side chains.

Question #17

QOL fix on mobile — in the trader, the MM pop-up confirmation does not close appropriately. They need it to time out.

Beetle Dude

- Yes, I will look at it.

Question #17

Do you see the current price difference between Power Tokens and Jewel as problematic?


- Jewel is gas, fee sharing, power-ups, etc. It’s non-disruptive to gameplay.

- You all set the price, we don’t.

- NFA; my opinion is that there is no need to compare them outright (PTs vs Jewel). I would compare PTs to each other.

Question #18

Are you happy with the Jewel burn rate? Should it be lower or higher?


- 50% is half of a whole, and that’s significant.

- Working on adding new burn additions and balancing those with the ecosystem.

Question #19

Any thoughts on the vision for DFK Gold? Will there be an equilibrium or just inflation forever?


- At the moment there aren’t as many mechanics that burn gold as I would like.

- New features coming will burn gold.

- The goal is that there is an equilibrium reached. The intent is not to have it inflate forever.

- PvP alone with potions will draw that down. We won’t know by how much until later.

Question #20

Has the team considered sacrificing a hero to directly impact / improve another?


- It has been a point of discussion before.

Question #21

Are we planning on letting heroes die permanently?


- I would like it. But I can’t guarantee it’s going to happen.

- If it did, it would be specifically labeled and you will be warned.

Question #22

When item crafting goes live, do we expect to add more drops or will current items have utility in crafting? Or both?


- Both.

Question #23

Will heroes be tradable in the Bazaar?


- At launch the Bazaar will support ERC-20 and ERC-1155 tokens.

- They will not support NFTs at that time.


- That requires a more involved UI, but we will likely have a separate market for both, as we currently do.

Question #24

Thoughts on including AI? Especially with giving NPCs more life?


- Fox is the one that’s really big on AI. But it’d be cool to add them in, yes.

Question #25

Is there a term contract between Wisdom Gaming and Kingdom Studios? If the build out of PvP was completed before the contract ends, will the team reallocate Wisdom to other build outs?


- There’s on-going collaboration that started in ~October of 2022.

- Initial plan has evolved.

- We’ll always need those that we trust to help work with us.

- There is no cut-off date on the collaboration.




Veteran community manager and web3 enthusiast. Student of cyber security, mathematics, and computer engineering.