Quick & Dirty DeFi Kingdoms AMA — August 24, 2023

6 min readAug 24, 2023


Brief write-up of the DeFi Kingdoms’ public AMA. Fast read on key points and summaries.

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These are QUICK write-ups. No table of contents and limited formatting included.

Original Recording:

Bolon Soron

- DFK 2 Year Birthday was 2 days ago.

- This was what all the “black circles” was about, for the “Void Hunt: Mad Boar” PvE experience. The first of many to come.


It was exciting to get that announcement out. It was great to see everyone’s speculation on the black holes. Some people got close and it was exciting. We plan on having this being a regular component of the game. It will definitely evolve as the combat system does, including potions, subclasses, etc. This is our first iteration. There will be balancing differences as we go on, but we didn’t see a reason to hold back on giving you all something to play while we worked on more. Looking forward to seeing you all hunting down some boars! We also did include the design for equipment and the ability to equip anything in any slot, except for the secondary equipment slot for weapons. We’ll disable that for now. Whatever equipment is available will be available, including AMULETS.

- All equipment found will be wearable.

- Secondary equipment slot will be disabled for now.

- Amulets are available and the ones here will be unique and very rarely acquirable in the future, if ever

- Only common, rare, and mythic will be available for this event.

- Scholar is coming together, some last minute things. Expect codex very soon.

- There are 5 unique equippable drops from this event.


- Working on Void Hunt and equipment contracts.

- Previous favorite two was Perilous Journey and Dark Summoning, but this is a lot of fun.

- Instead of a one monolithic contract for equipment, it’ll be multiple. Keep this in mind in case you want to index the data.


- Working on combat updates and equipment bonuses.

- Once this feature is done we have a path to start, stop, reboot and create combat & PvE.

- Focusing on balance and making sure it feels good.


- Duels has been launched for a week so far.

- Launch has been received well and I get a lot of feedback of it being fun.


- Continuing with more partnerships and chains.

- Not a lot I can talk about it.


It’s been 2 years and I really can’t believe it. It’s been really cool to see over the past few days and reflect back on everything we’ve accomplished and built. Just on Tuesday, 2 years ago, I was in the downstairs of Dreamer’s house. We were gathered around, me Pieface, Admiral, etc. We held our breath and launched it and it’s been a whirlwind since then. It’s really cool to be that team that is actually building things and meant long term. I see a lot of projects that flair up then close up shop. That’s not our intention, it never was at the start, it’s not now, and won’t be in the future. We’ve got a lot ahead of us to build. The community and the team supports us so much. It really blows my mind all the content that’s out there. It’s been amazing to see all the achievements and milestones we break constantly with transactions, cross chains, events, etc. It’s been great to see the grit of the team and the community and how we get stronger and stronger with every challenge that comes our way. I feel stoked and blessed to be apart of this and wanted to say thank you to the community and the team.

Question #1

Curious if it would be possible to have players that are signed up to immediately be prompted to login, vs those that aren’t?


By the very virtue of being signed out, we don’t necessarily have access to that. I get where you’re coming from. I think we’ll get to a point where we can make it more fluid.

Some of that interruption will be alleviated through Halliday and session keys.

Question #2

Duels had a huge upgrade this season, what are your thoughts on having Duels fees increase by 10x across the board and have the Champion payout be increased from 5% to 25%?


I like the spirit of the question. But there is a delicate balance, especially when considering the raffles and other rewards. We can discuss this at our tokenomics committee.

Question #3

Can we get an update on combat progress? Skill updates, advanced combat, etc? (this question came before the Tuesday announcements)


The void hunt gives a good sense of what we’ve been working on.

Question #4

On the void hunt — what are we currently thinking in terms of the time of availability of the Mad Boars hunt? How long will it be available?


It will be available for, I’d say, at least a month. The idea is to have them cycling. Some might show up when certain conditions are met, or under other conditions.

Question #5

Any thoughts on having a PvE enemy that is a current Druid and name him Sven TeeToo?


Question #6

What will equipping an amulet actually do? Can you give an idea?


I like to keep my secrets. The hint I’ll give is that the names of the amulets are tied to the bonuses in some ways.

Question #7

Will hunts be available on mobile?


I’m not 100% sure yet. The goal is yes, but there quite a few items to get to.

Question #8

Any thoughts on having Discord announce when team members are doing interviews?


That’s on me, I will make sure we do that.

Question #9

What are your thoughts on showing the average APR based on historical data of the fees? Not the emissions.


That would be pretty tricky to implement. If it’s just showing the APR from the fees only, that’s mostly a data gathering process. But there’s a lot of data collection with that.

Question #10

What are your thoughts on having a set of limited edition pets so that there are a cap the number of them to be found?


It’s possible. Maybe in future seasons we can consider that. We can limit the mints of those pets.

Question #11

Any plans on having a dedicated Twitch channel to group all the content?


Yes, absolutely. We love our streamers and content streaming for PvE and PvP is crucial. So we plan on supporting that. If you have any ideas, hit me up!

Question #12

What’s up with the black hole?


It’s the void!

Question #13

Is the DFK team considering the long term implementation of a DFK Stable Coin?


I just wonder what the benefits of that would be over utilizing USDC.

Question #14

What are your thoughts on having a filter in the my pets tab for equip and unequipped?


I think this is a task on my list already.

Question #15

Instead of only having Archer Knight and Priest being able to use skills, what are your thoughts on categorizing other classes to temporarily take advantage of those skill trees?


It’s possible… But I can see that being a nightmare for balancing purposes. Probably not.

Question #16

How does the power of the Boar work? (how hard it hits, difficulty, etc)


The base level is expected to be fighting level 10 heroes. We have some fun mechanics being added to their behavior as you all contend with them. The design does follow the same approach as Heroes — the same stats. They technically have weapons and armor. All of this is assigned by us.

We’re debating on certain achievements for the first group to beat the boars of all level 9 heroes, etc.




Veteran community manager and web3 enthusiast. Student of cyber security, mathematics, and computer engineering.