Introducing NEMPay

David García
2 min readJun 27, 2017


A mobile wallet to transfer NEM assets in an easy way

This post requires some knowledge about Blockchain technology.

NEM is not just a cryptocurrency. NEM is a blockchain project which caters to much more than only handling it’s native currency tokens “XEM”. Above that, and more importantly, NEM is a peer to peer platform and it provides services like payments, messaging, asset making, and naming system.

NEMPay logo

At the current moment, NEM blockchain has wonderful complex apps to interact with it, taking into advantage almost all the features provided by the Blockchain.

For example, Nano Wallet and NEM Mobile wallets for Android and iOS, allow to switch between multiple accounts, enable harvesting, apostille files and even creating mosaics and namespaces, among others.

But, have you ever thought about how people without blockchain knowledge will use a complex wallet to transfer their own assets? Should they know every detail of the NEM Blockchain? Probably, the answer is “no”.

What is NEMPay?

NEMPay is an app to transfer NEM mosaics in an easy way, directly from mobile devices.

Just selecting the asset to be sent from your balance, typing recipient address and amount to be sent, you can make a quick transaction in just few seconds using your mobile phone.

It is that easy!

The real value providing a simplistic wallet, is that allows non NEM experts to use the Blockchain, and consequently, enable everybody to transfer assets without having a deep knowledge about NEM.

Provided functionality

  • Wallet creation
  • View balance
  • View transactions
  • Send assets
  • Send xem
  • Scan QR
  • Share Address
  • Internationalization


Distributed as an open source solution, organizations and individuals can take advantage of NEMPay, using it as a boilerplate for creating their own NEM applications. An example of use case is the creation of an app to transfer assets such as tickets, coupons, stocks or even share representation.

Currently, the app is available for Android and iOS.

You can join us in NEMPay Telegram group.

Special thanks to QuantumMechanics, for inspiring the project developing NanoWallet and nem-sdk, guillemsole, for providing support in the development of NEMPay, Jeff McDonald & Albert Castellana, for all the feedback provided previous to the app testing period and aleix_mp, for creating solid guidelines about releasing a NEM Open Source project.

