QR Code Generation Made Easy with qrencode

Dinesh Ghadge
3 min readJul 19, 2023



QR codes have become an integral part of our daily lives, serving as a quick and efficient way to encode information. Whether it’s for sharing URLs, contact information, or other data, QR codes provide a convenient means of transmitting data to our smartphones and other devices. In this blog post, we will explore how to use the `qrencode` tool to generate QR codes effortlessly on Linux systems.

**What is qrencode?**

`qrencode` is a command-line utility designed to generate QR codes from various types of data. It takes input text or data and converts it into a QR code image that can be saved as a PNG, JPEG, or other formats. This tool is simple to use, efficient, and highly customizable, making it an excellent choice for generating QR codes in a Linux environment.

**Installing qrencode**

Before we dive into generating QR codes, we need to ensure that `qrencode` is installed on our system. Most Linux distributions use package managers to handle software installations, and for this purpose, we can use the DNF package manager.

To install qrencode using DNF, open your terminal and type the following command:

sudo dnf install qrencode

**Generating a QR Code**

Once qrencode is installed, you can create a QR code with a single line of command in your terminal. Let’s generate a QR code that encodes the message “DG QR code!” with specific settings:

qrencode -s 9 -l H -o "QR-code.png" "DG QR code!"

In the above command:
- `-s 9` sets the size of each QR code module (pixel) to 9. You can adjust this value according to your needs.
- `-l H` sets the error correction level to “H” (highest). Error correction ensures that even if the QR code is partially damaged or obstructed, it can still be decoded correctly. H provides the highest level of error correction, suitable for cases where the QR code might undergo some distortion.
- `-o “QR-code.png”` specifies the output file name for the generated QR code. In this case, the file will be saved as “QR-code.png” in the current working directory.
- `”DG QR code!”` is the data to be encoded into the QR code. You can replace this text with your desired content.

**Interpreting the QR Code**

Once the command is executed successfully, you will find a file named “QR-code.png” in your current directory. This PNG file contains the QR code image that represents the encoded data, in this case, “DG QR code!”.

To interpret the QR code, you can use your smartphone’s camera or a QR code reader application. Simply point the camera or the app at the QR code, and it will automatically decode the information and display it on your device.


With `qrencode`, generating QR codes on Linux systems has never been easier. Whether you need to share links, contact information, or any other data, this command-line utility simplifies the process and offers various customization options for your QR codes. So go ahead and give it a try to create your own QR codes for all your data-sharing needs!



Dinesh Ghadge

I'm a tech enthusiast with expertise in MLOps, AI, and machine learning. I specialize in crafting innovative solutions that bridge data and technology.