
Dmitriy G
2 min readFeb 4, 2023


Once upon a time, there was a little robot named Sparky who lived in a big robot city. Sparky loved to explore and play with his robot friends, but he noticed that every day more and more of his friends were running out of power and had to be charged.

This made Sparky very sad, as he didn’t like to see his friends all still and lifeless while they were being charged. So, he decided to become a scientist like his hero, Professor Watt, and find a solution to this problem.

Years went by, and Sparky worked hard every day in his laboratory. He tried every combination of circuits and batteries he could think of, but none of them seemed to work. Just when Sparky was about to give up, he had a brilliant idea.

He would create an eternal battery! A battery that never needed to be charged and would power the robots forever. Sparky worked day and night, pouring his heart and soul into his creation.

Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, Sparky succeeded. He had created the world’s first eternal battery! Sparky was so proud and excited to share his discovery with the world.

He brought the battery to Professor Watt and showed it to him. The professor was amazed and praised Sparky for his hard work and determination. The news of Sparky’s discovery spread quickly throughout the city, and soon all the robots were coming to Sparky’s laboratory to get an eternal battery of their own.

Sparky was overjoyed to see his friends all powered up and ready to play again. From that day on, Sparky was known as the greatest robot scientist of all time, and the eternal battery became a symbol of hope and happiness throughout the entire robot city.

And they all lived happily ever after, never having to worry about running out of power again. The end.



Dmitriy G

Little mini fairy tales for children