How to Choose A General Contractor for Your Construction Needs

Alex Riley
3 min readAug 19, 2022

Whether you are building a residential building or office space or remodeling your existing home, it’s evident that you will need a general contractor. But finding a reliable professional is as challenging as climbing a rock, and we say so based on what makes an excellent contractor.

Every house improvement or build-up project is unique, requiring a custom-tailored approach for success from the beginning to the end. So, it’s essential to have a focused plan, research thoroughly, and put every required variable ideally in the equation when finding a reliable tenant build-out contractor in Southern California.

Local Recommendations

Getting local recommendations is the first step in hiring a general contractor for remodeling, renovations, or ground-up construction in Orange County or elsewhere. Ask around in your community, friend circle, and relatives who might have done the same earlier.

Research Online

It can be seen as the continuation of the first point, but here the action will be focused on online research. Nowadays, the internet has made everything easier, convenient and more accessible. Even companies don’t keep from marking their online presence to increase their business reach. This is why you must look online for available options, check client reviews, and list the best ones.

Interview Over the Phone

Now is the time to interview the listed contractors over the phone. Call them and ask questions regarding your construction, remodeling, or renovation requirements and how their services can serve your interests. Furthermore, you might as well ask them the following questions:

  • Can they handle ground-up construction in Orange County or your area, or are they only focused on renovation or remodeling work?
  • Can they provide you with a list of previous clients?
  • Are they handling any other projects at the same time?
  • How much experience do they have working with subcontractors?

Determine Communication Style

A professional must be fluent in communication, which significantly applies to a general contractor. Determine how they talk and respond to your queries and questions and how fast they reply to calls and emails. You can either observe it over the phone or meet them in person.

Verify Credentials and Insurance

Every state in the U.S has different requirements for a contractor license. So, it’s essential to consider this point if you are considering an inter-state tenant build-out contractor. Furthermore, you must also verify their credentials and certificate of insurance. Check if they have the required qualifications, certifications, and a valid license to provide such services.

Check Professional Connections

Ask the contractors about their professional connections, as they are supposed to offer the clients complete solutions. In other words, a general contractor will always maintain a strong network of subcontractors, vendors, ground workers, technicians, etc. If a contractor lacks at this point, look for another.

Carefully Sign the Contract

It’s crucial to draft a contract detailing every step of the project, including liability insurance proof, payment schedule, worker’s compensation payments, project start and projected end dates, raw materials and equipment to be used. Any reliable contractor providing ground-up construction in Orange County or elsewhere will stand firm on the agreement before proceeding.

The End Note

We said at the beginning that finding a reliable general contractor is as challenging as climbing a rock. But having discussed everything in detail, we can also say that it’s not impossible if you take the suitable measures.

