5 Most Powerful Content Marketing Tools for 2019

Digital Weekly
4 min readOct 25, 2019


Chances are, you already know how beneficial a content marketing strategy is-whether you’re currently using one or not. In fact, just 3 years ago, a little under 90% of B2B companies reported using content marketing as part of their marketing strategy, and you can bet the number of companies has grown since then.

If you’re new to the game, the idea of content marketing may seem a little overwhelming; fortunately, you’ll find that there are several dozen content marketing tools available, with each one designed to serve at least one function.

Of course, no one’s saying that marketing tools can replace the human factor as well as a solid, well thought-out strategy, but there’s nothing like the right tech to help you get the job done.

How do you know which tools are worth trying out? Here are my picks for the best (i.e. most powerful) content marketing tools this 2019.

1. The all-in-one toolkit that is SEMRush.

Your strategy has to start somewhere. can help with that by giving you some insight into anything and everything to do with content marketing. Just enter a URL and you’ll be able to see which keywords your competitors are using, what they’re bidding on, what their ads look like, and so on.

You can also see which keywords your own company is ranking for organically and you can even discover keywords your competitors don’t know about yet. SEMRush will also tell you if you’re ranking high for a keyword or keywords that you yourself aren’t aware of.

Best of all, it’s free to try, so you can see how much value it has.

2. WordPress, the most widely-used CMS.

According to VentureBeat, WordPress is responsible for powering around 30% of the internet-and that was as of August 2018. This open-source CMS is noticeably powerful, allowing you to both build and host websites. It has plugins as well as templates, letting you customize your website so it can function as your main website, or whatever else you want it to be — blog, online store, etc.

Since it’s highly customizable, many bloggers use this platform, but that doesn’t mean SMB owners can’t use it. The above-mentioned features, among others, make it a good choice whether you’re just starting your content marketing program or already growing it.

3. Every WordPress user’s go-to plugin, Yoast.

If you’re writing SEO-focused content, then this plugin is for you. It helps you do practically everything, from optimizing content, to previewing and editing meta titles and descriptions. It makes it easier for you to understand technical SEO tasks, too. With a good number of people who use WordPress using Yoast as well, it’s safe to say you’d be making a mistake to not use it yourself.

4. Trello, a simple but extremely helpful project management.

Once you start producing content regularly, or when you start building up to that, you’re going to need a way to manage the whole thing — especially if you work with a large pool of writers. This kanban tool makes it easy for you to assign a task to someone and keep track of it; all it takes is a single glance, and you’ll know which tasks are done, what content is ready for posting or publishing, and what’s still in progress.

5. The digital marketer’s best friend, Google Analytics.

Without measurement, you won’t have that much of a marketing campaign, since you won’t know what works and what needs work. As far as analytics platforms go, Google Analytics is one of the more commonly used ones, seeing how it’s free and relatively easy to use — two huge benefits for any business wanting to keep track of their metrics. With Google Analytics, you’ll know whether or not you can reach those goals you’ve set for a certain campaign.

There are many more content marketing tools you could use, but these are the ones that are sure to kickstart your campaign and get you where you want to be. But don’t just take my word for it; if you aren’t using any of these yet, give them a try. And if you’re already using at least one, there’s no reason to not add another tool to your list, right?

Originally published at https://www.digitalwkly.com on October 25, 2019.

