Paraphrases through the Day

Dhabul Forzix
1 min readMar 23, 2024


Life is less governed by goals than by threats.

When we lose the right to be different, we learn the reason to be dead.

Our greatness is in our greyness.

A friendly man isn’t a free man.

Sometimes, our difficulty starts when we do something ordinary.

Parents provide what humans hide, but the devils will divide them both.

It is safer to be alone, than against someone.

People join to fight for justice against other people, or amongst themselves.

Look grey, live great.

Taking death out of the dying, takes life out of the living.

Luck is anything what we ignore to look at.

Sometimes, you earn money to eat; sometimes, you eat to earn money; somewhere in between, the money you earn begins to eat you.

Life begins, when you become special to someone you like; which ends, when they exhaust that.

A new life starts, when you naturally and successfully live alone with yourself.

When you play carelessly and constantly with the resources and preferences of other people, you are going to cross boundaries and cause great barriers to raise.

Existence is where wealth and exchange is.

You get what you want or you get what wants you.

Education is more about how to earn than about how to make everyone earn.

To excel at your duty, examine, exchange and exercise till your death.

