Importance of HRM in the Business Perspective of Bangladesh

Dhaka Insider
3 min readApr 2, 2015

Human Resource Management is the art of choosing the right people for the right position. HRM is the science of maximizing employee performance and defines the way employees are managed within a business. While most large companies world-wide admit ‘human resource’ as their most valuable asset, it is sad how Bangladeshi businesses keep ignoring their “people” and would rather invest on channels like marketing and sales. This trend is quite common among subcontinental businesses as most of them still believe that hiring and firing are the jobs of the owner. This is one of the biggest hindrances in the development of inclusive professionalism in Bangladeshi businesses. Many do look very professional and ‘corporate’ from the outside, but deep within, the reality is a lot different.

Human Resource Departments do not only deal with hiring and firing. In fact, hiring and firing are one of the least important tasks that they do. In general, hiring takes place once per year and companies don’t fire many people at one time. So, what do Human Resource Departments do? This is the most crucial part where Bangladesh is lagging behind than other countries. As most of the companies still believe that hiring and firing can be done by the owner or the manager, they don’t put importance to their HR dept. This ends up with problems like non-satisfaction in job place, grievance, harassment and etc. If there is a proper human resource dept. in an organization, the organization hardly faces these problems. Why do you think Bangladeshi women face sexual harassment at workplace the most in Asia? The only reason is not having proper HR Dept. in companies.

Sadly, the Bangladeshi companies still think that giving extra money or a week’s leave is called added benefit and this is the only solution to motivate workers. There hasn’t been any research on ‘The motivation factors at workplace’ in Bangladesh but it can easily be said that most people in Bangladesh work for only and only money, they don’t care about the satisfaction or comfort. All they are trained to do is to go to their office, maintain a fixed routine of 9 to 4 and then get out. Neither they enjoy their work nor do they try to. It is obviously not their fault. It is the fault of the companies as they don’t have proper Human Resource Management Depts.

A few renowned companies actually started to take HR seriously in Bangladesh in past few years and it has been seen that all those companies are rising high. Not any of those companies faced loss in recent years and it is all about the HR magic. A good HR dept. ensures half success of a company and as Bangladesh is a business based economy; our companies should definitely work on their HR Departments.

Written by: Khalid Farhan

Originally published at on January 31, 2015.

