Pre-made Google Sites Templates to Help You Build Your Classroom Website

neolife education
2 min readOct 27, 2021

In case you are searching for a simple and dependable stage to make your study hall site, Google Sites is most certainly probably the most ideal choice to consider. It gives you the space and apparatuses expected to plan your gateway in the manner in which you need and free of charge. In the previous post, we shared an assortment of tips and rules to assist you with picking up all that you wanted to begin utilizing Sites in your guidance. In the present post, we are offering to you 4 great Google Sites layouts you can use to immediately set up sites for different instructive purposes. You can generally redo these formats, add/erase segments and pages, change designs and topics, and some more. To get to any of the layouts referred to beneath, head over to Google Sites format exhibition.

1-Student Portfolio format

This is a brilliant layout understudy can use to make their portfolios. It comprises of the accompanying segments: About me, Achievement, Strengths, and Goals. Understudies can add more segments and pages utilizing the Sites proofreader.

2-Club format

This is great for making sites for a bunch of projects understudies work on. Understudies can utilize this site to impart to others what’s going on with their task, the motivation behind their gathering project, and the achievements they have accomplished up until now. They can transfer media materials, implant content, add visuals and numerous different materials to their site.

3-Class format

You can go through this format to handily set a site for your group. It incorporates different areas and pages where you can share a wide assortment of content: learning objectives of your group, depiction of your courses to help understudies “get what’s in store for the semester”, Announcement pennants to share significant dates and additionally occasions, an assets segment to empower understudies to get to class-related materials, and some more. You can modify the design and segment how you need.


You can utilize this format to plan sites for exceptional occasions for your group or school. For example, you can utilize it to make a site for a gathering or studio you arranging. You can add segments to share specific insights regarding your occasion; for example, speakers partaking in your meeting, the objectives of the occasion, where it will happen, and some more.

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