Data Serialization — Avro vs Parquet

Dhanya Krishnan
3 min readMay 18, 2024


Apache Avro and Apache Parquet are both popular data serialization formats used in big data processing. Each has its strengths and is suited to different types of use cases. Here’s a detailed comparison to help understand their differences and decide when to use each one:

1. Data Format


  • Row-based format: Avro stores data in a row-oriented fashion, meaning it serializes data row by row.
  • Schema-based serialization: Avro data files include the schema along with the data, ensuring the data is self-describing.


  • Columnar format: Parquet stores data in a column-oriented fashion, meaning it serializes data column by column.
  • Efficient columnar storage: This format is optimized for analytics and read-heavy operations where you need to query specific columns rather than entire rows.

2. Use Cases


  • Streaming data: Ideal for write-heavy operations such as logging and streaming data where data is written frequently but read less often.
  • Inter-process communication (IPC): Suitable for scenarios where data needs to be serialized and deserialized frequently, such as in RPC systems.
  • Schema evolution: Well-suited for environments where schemas change over time because it supports schema evolution robustly.


  • Analytics and querying: Best for read-heavy operations and analytical queries that involve scanning large datasets and aggregating values over multiple rows.
  • Data warehousing: Suitable for storing large volumes of historical data that need to be queried efficiently.
  • Big data processing: Commonly used with big data tools like Apache Spark, Hadoop, and data warehousing solutions like Amazon Redshift Spectrum, Google BigQuery, and Snowflake.

3. Performance


  • Write performance: Typically faster write performance compared to Parquet because it is row-based and simpler to write sequentially.
  • Read performance: May be slower for read-heavy operations, especially when only a few columns are needed from large datasets.


  • Write performance: Writing can be slower due to the overhead of organizing data in a columnar format and applying compression and encoding.
  • Read performance: Much faster for read-heavy operations, especially when querying specific columns or performing analytical tasks. The columnar format allows for efficient data retrieval and scanning.

4. Compression and Encoding


  • Compression: Supports multiple compression codecs like Deflate, Snappy, and Bzip2. Compression is applied to entire files or blocks of rows.
  • Encoding: Focuses on compact encoding but does not achieve the same compression ratios as Parquet for analytical workloads.


  • Compression: Also supports multiple compression codecs, including Snappy, Gzip, and LZO. Compression is applied to individual columns, often leading to better compression ratios.
  • Encoding: Uses efficient encoding schemes like run-length encoding and dictionary encoding, which further enhances storage efficiency.

5. Schema Evolution


  • Schema evolution: Avro handles schema evolution very well. It can handle changes like adding or removing fields, and evolving schemas are embedded within the files themselves.
  • Backward and forward compatibility: Designed to support both backward and forward compatibility, making it easier to work with changing data structures.


  • Schema evolution: Parquet also supports schema evolution, but it can be more complex to manage compared to Avro. It supports adding new columns, but removing or changing columns might require additional handling.
  • Compatibility: Parquet schema evolution support is good but can be less flexible compared to Avro in certain scenarios.

6. Usage


  • Usage: Commonly used for data exchange between systems and for data ingestion in streaming and logging systems.


  • Usage: Commonly used for storing and querying large datasets in data lakes and data warehouses.


When to use Avro:

  • When you need efficient serialization and deserialization for row-based data.
  • When schema evolution is a priority, and the schema might change frequently.
  • For streaming data and inter-process communication.

When to use Parquet:

  • When you need efficient read performance for analytics and querying large datasets.
  • When storage efficiency and compression are critical, especially for columnar data.
  • For use with big data tools and data warehousing solutions where columnar storage provides significant performance benefits.

Choosing between Avro and Parquet depends on your specific use case, data access patterns, and performance requirements.



Dhanya Krishnan

Software Engineer passionate about distributed system design, scalability & latency. Always reading the next tech blog on distributed systems !!