Three Guys!

Dharam Mentor
1 min readOct 25, 2023


When I engage in deep philosophical discussions with Europeans or Americans, I often notice that the conversation inevitably turns toward the ideas of Aristotle, Socrates, or Plato. It appears as though Western philosophy has its roots deeply intertwined with the teachings of these three ancient philosophers. However, the question that arises is: How is it that only these three individuals seem to have encapsulated the entirety of human knowledge? The real reason behind this phenomenon is that these three thinkers extensively studied and translated earlier knowledge, which can be traced back to the vast wellspring of Vedic wisdom.

Unfortunately, what many fail to recognize is that Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato were the faces of translated knowledge rather than the originators of these profound ideas. This, I believe, is a significant oversight on the part of Western scholarship. In reality, these ancient Greek philosophers were conduits through which the rich tapestry of human thought, including elements of Vedic knowledge, was transmitted to the Western world. It’s essential to acknowledge this broader context when discussing the origins of philosophical ideas and their influence on our understanding of the world.



Dharam Mentor

Brand Strategist | Design Director | Mentor | Educator | Master’s in Branding, University of the Arts London | Founder Visual Research Lab London |