How can you prepare for National Astronomy Olympiad? What are the best resources and books to follow?

Dharamnath Sah
3 min readAug 31, 2021


Being a participant in the National Astronomy Olympiad 2020 I guess I can better explain it. Answering this question I will consider that you are very amateur and beginner about the olympiad.
Here I will be giving you my personal suggestions based on my experience and taking references from some sites and books.

For Beginners:
Astronomy lecture series by Michel van Biezen. His lectures are quite good. Initially, when I was unknown of some terms of Astronomy and basics, I watched his lecture and learned the basics concept which was quite helpful for me in understanding in-depth Astronomy and its terms. Check out the playlist of Astronomy. Michel van Biezen. And also watch the lecture series of OSC Astrophysics. This series of lectures will cover up the major topic of Astrophysics which will be much helpful further to understand the base of Astrophysics. OSC Astrophysics

Along with all if you need to strengthen your orbital mechanics part which is a really important topic for Olympiad then I would suggest going through this playlist because they have described everything in detail. Orbital Dynamics
Also, make notes of it. It will help you further.

National Astronomy Olympiad

For Major Concept:

Read the topics of physics and cover as many topics as you can. Some important topics are Mechanics, Optics, Heat & Thermodynamics, Modern Physics, Electricity and magnetism, and Wave Optics. My recommendation would be to solve problems with either University physics or HC Verma.
Also, Read cover the parts of mathematics because it will help you a lot in the data analysis part. Mainly Conic sections, Trigonometry, Coordinate geometry, Permutation and combination, and Statistics in detail.
Spherical trigonometry is such a topic you should never miss. Here you will come to know about our Celestial sphere and coordinate system of Sphere. For this, I would recommend reading the second chapter of W.M Smart. Spherical Trigonometry by W. M. Smart.

In parallel to this, you can start reading Books recommended for Astronomy and Astrophysics. The worldwide best-recommended book is Fundamental of Astronomy Springer publication and Introduction to Modern Astrophysics (this book is very depth). So you can choose based on your time and need. Fundamental Astronomy & Introduction to Modern Astrophysics. For a more mathematical introduction to Astronomy as a subject, we have Astronomy — Principles and Practice, by Roy and Clarke.
Note that this book is quite heavy, content-wise.

For Advance problem solving:

A problem book in Astronomy and Astrophysics by Aniket Sule. This book is extremely recommended. You must go through this book once. Here they have discussed past years' question of the International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA). A Problem book in Astronomy and Astrophysics.

Past paper of IAO, IOAA, Russian open school Astronomy Olympiad or Indian National Astronomy Olympiad. This is a must. If you can’t solve the past paper you won’t know the type of questions being asked in the Olympiad. So solving past papers is the key. Even one of my friends got a Bronze medal in IAO just by practicing past papers and referring books.

The above mention resources and guide is for the theory part of the olympiad but you need to know that question paper of Astronomy Olympiad is divided into three sections: Theory part, Observation round, Data Analysis. IOAA Offical Site

Sky Observation:

Stellarium software is best for night sky observations. We will be able to see the whole sky and can learn the position of stars and Messier objects Stellarium Astronomy Software. It's free to install. Guide to set up.
Sky chart provided by IAU. It has imprinted all the defined 88 constellations with borders. IAU constellations. Also learn how to do naked sky observation using your hand and finger calculating the angle, altitude, right ascension of stars, and heavenly bodies. For Quick Guide.

Data Analysis:

  1. An Introduction to Error Analysis by Taylor.
  2. Probability by David Morin.

Some Extra Resources:

  1. Some useful formulas in Astrophysics.
  2. Mathematics of Astronomy
  3. Astronomy Principles and Practices- Roy and Clarke
  4. Schaum’s Outline of theory and problems of Astronomy
  5. An Introduction to Mechanics -Kleppner and Kolenkow

If you have any queries regarding olympiad contact me:

