How Simple it is to get into AI

Dharineesh Ram
6 min readJul 6, 2020


There is always a routine that we follow in our life. If our body is a biological computer , then we follow the following code.

While(life != dead)
life.wake_Up_In_The_Morning();;`easy `, `less time `, `aim: money `);
after_Death("Even your aim did not follow your grave")

But we must not forget that we were the developers of this code. So it’s in our hands to change it. It’s very important for us to keep ourselves motivated and work on jobs that are close to our heart. So, before getting into AI we must know what are all the things that AI does in today’s world. Hence before getting into what we do in AI we must have a serious dedication and love towards this domain.

The very bad practice most of us do is take a Github code which does some AI job like Computer Vision/ Speech Recognition / Predictive Analysis etc.., and run it in our system and call ourselves as AI Engineer. No, this kind of habit helps us to do projects, but never improves our knowledge in AI. The main reason for this is, many people consider AI as just a complex Python code that can produce results. No, Python is just a programming language. We use this language(even others are used, but less common) to implement an AI system to produce results. So there’s a lot more work that is going behind this Python script.

To be a successful AI Engineer doesn’t mean we need to be strong in Coding.

What is AI and how is it different from others ?

AI is considered to have the following sub domains as shown in the figure:

Yes, with today’s resources and technology we cannot create an entire system that does like a human. So, we need to know what we can do and what we won’t be able to. So the traditional way to start with AI is to go on with Machine Learning concepts . Each and every concept is well adhered to its logic. So Machine Learning is a great kick starter to get into the field of AI.

Once the traditional Algorithms of ML is done, we need to get in Deep Learning. Today the entire AI Society is fond of this Domain. This field has lot of concepts , where we need to understand each and every concept starting from its root. Yes, in order to get deeper , it’s take a lot of time.

Stay patient and trust your journey

Both ML and DL are defined as “the work done by a machine without being explicitly coded”. It means the ability of Machine to work based on its learning. And that is all about AI

How to start these Concepts ?

Whenever we talk about these concepts, we all must keep one thing in mind. What is the input am feeding and what is the output am expecting? Life becomes simple when we understand each and every concept in this fashion. We must never forget that Computer can study only numbers. So keeping this in mind, we need to see how to feed an input in order to receive an output.

A bit of coding knowledge is enough to implement huge AI systems

Yes, Believe me

It’s better to implement the code simultaneously when we learn each concept in ML/ DL. So once we learn the concept, the next step should be implementing the code. This cycle of approach is a best way which helps us to learn the theory and also practically check the results.

Yeah , you can do it

In order to survive in this field , it’s a must to study Scientific papers and journals. It’s a very true fact that Scientific papers cannot be read in a single shot. The authors of the paper would have spent at least a year to write such complex publications. So the least respect we could do is to study them patiently. This method of learning concepts from the way it originated gives us deeper intuitions and helps us to explore minute details of the topic.

How long does it take to finish learning AI ?

It’s a never ending Topic. We need to fix in mind that it is not a course to complete in time.

We are not preparing for any exams to think about it’s timeline. But of course we can reframe the above question as “In what speed can I go in learning concepts ?”. This entirely depends upon the individual. For few people based on the concept it takes 2 days to finish . Few people take a week to finish. Some might take more than 2 weeks. The goal here is not to finish something in a particular time. The goal here is to finish the entire topic taking any amount of significant time.

Should I need to wait until I complete the entire study of Concepts?

No, we all learn from mistakes. So while we learn, it’s also better to do a project on what we have learnt. Supposing we have learnt CNN partially, but need to work in a project that classifies fruits based on images, it’s always better to give a shot. This is because, once we try to implement on real time scenarios, we can try rectifying our mistakes and thus enabling us to achieve the desired output. Also, while implementing projects, it’s adds to our experience and also boosts our confidence.

If we could follow a proper way and love what we do, we could change the code of our system(which we spoke at the very beginning of this Article)as follows:

While(life != dead)
life.wake_Up_In_The_Morning();;`hard_work`, `patience `,`aim: happiness and peace`);
after_Death("Let the world speak about you");


I have shared few ways on how to encounter this AI field. It’s truly based on my experience on learning each and every concept. Even I was confused in the beginning. But as time passed I was able to find the flow and the path to crack it. I wanted to share my experience to others so that it would be easy for others who aspire to be a part of this AI Society. It’s absolutely fine if we don’t understand a topic. Time is the best solution for it. All the Best !!!



Dharineesh Ram

AI enthusiast. Machine Learning / Deep Learning Researcher.