You Can Take the Piss Out of An Alcoholic, But You Can’t Make Him Sober.

Michael Mather
5 min readMar 14, 2018

Alcoholism is an equal opportunity destroyer

You know, alcoholics are the funniest people!

Whether you’re laughing hilariously at their outrageous stories at the bar, cacking yourself at the unfortunate accidents they’re always having, or laughing your way back to sanity in meetings, you will never find a funnier cohort.

Any joke that starts with, A priest, a rabbi and a monk walk into a bar”, has got to make you wet your pants. Seriously!

The Problem with Alkies

Signs of alcohol use disorders include:

1.craving alcohol
2.continued drinking despite legal /family/occupational/social problems
3.tolerance (need more alcohol to achieve the same effect)
4.hides or feels guilty about drinking
5.generally cannot stop after ‘just one’
source: Amy E. Brown on Quora

Promises We Make

