Don’t Let Competition Scare You: Tips to Thrive As a New Blogger

3 min readFeb 13, 2024


Tips for starting a blog in today’s competitive landscape

Tips for starting a blog in today’s competitive landscape

Tips for starting a blog in today’s competitive landscape: The number of blogs in existence could spark dread before you’ve even written a single post. With that said, here’s why that number shouldn’t hold you back and how to harness today’s specific landscape to carve out your space.

Competition = Proof of Demand!

If blogs on your chosen topic thrive, that validates there’s a hungry audience. Your success lies in differentiation:

Today’s Blogging Rules for Newbies

  1. Quality > Quantity (Seriously): Ten in-depth articles with real knowledge trump 100 fluffy pieces that could have been found anywhere.
  2. Visuals Help You Cut Through: Blog headers, infographics, even screenshots make it easier for people to find you in the initial “scrolling” stages.
  3. Be a Hub, Not Just a Poster: Link out to helpful external resources related to your focus. This boosts credibility and makes readers stay for your value-addition.

Beyond the Blog — Getting Eyes On Your Work

The “Other Stuff” Successful Bloggers Figure Out

  • Patience IS a Virtue: Early on, focus on consistency. Growth follows content that genuinely offers value, but doesn’t happen overnight.
  • Email Lists from Day One: Even 10 subscribers is an audience independent of platform changes
  • Don’t Get Caught Up in “Everyone Else” Syndrome: That blogger with massive stats likely had different timing, resources, etc. Chart your growth against yourself. That’s what fosters longevity!

The Blogger Advantage in Today’s Content World

Blogs, unlike viral social media trends, offer depth, authority, and control! You own your platform and its development in ways no algorithm-driven site allows. That stability brings increasing rewards with effort.




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