Engineering Your Blog Content for Viral Magic (Well, As Close As We Can Get!)

4 min readFeb 13, 2024


Essential strategies for writing shareable blog posts

Essential strategies for writing shareable blog posts

Essential strategies for writing shareable blog posts: Writing with the specific goal of maximizing those ‘share’ clicks requires mindset alongside mechanics. We can’t control what the internet does, but we can vastly improve the odds of content making its rounds within your niche circles and hopefully those wider spaces! Let’s break it down.

“Shareability Starts Before You Hit ‘Publish*

Think beyond raw passion for that specific post in isolation:

Headline as Weapon: Mastering Attention-Grabbing Without Clickbait

Types of Share-Worthy Posts (And It’s Not All Listicles!)

  1. The Bold Contrarian: Back claims with research, but challenging common advice shakes up complacency and ignites need to ‘see for themselves’.
  2. Raw Vulnerability: A rare topic for some blogs! A relatable struggle shared honestly is often passed on in an act of community (“If it helped them, maybe…”).
  3. Mini-Success Story Case Studies: Even one relatable example (your own perhaps) offers “proof” the post’s topic can change lives for the better.

Visuals ARE Part of Writing for the Web

  • Image Choice Matters: Not just pretty, but adding intrigue (odd juxtaposition for the topic works!), a quick before/after, or relatable meme format helps on crowded social feeds.
  • Share Quotes: Canva templates abound! A snippet of provocative content as a graphic stands out from text only reposts
  • Infographics if it FITS: Simple ones are DIY-able. Make those complex stats visual for faster grasp!

The ‘X’ Factor for Maximum Sharing

Does it make THE READER look good by passing it on? Consider:

  • Tastemaker Trendsetter: They spotted new info first!
  • “Smartest in the Room” Vibes: It solves a niche problem others aren’t addressing yet
  • Emotional Validation: “Finally, someone ELSE gets how hard this is!”

A Caveat About “Going Viral”

It’s part luck, even on well-constructed posts. Manage expectations for healthy creation without the burnout cycle. Instead:

  • Notice Small Shares: Are certain post styles seeing better response? Do THAT more, refine over time.
  • Community Is Key: Actively engage others — the reciprocity gets YOU in front of wider audiences when they share
  • Analyze the Flops: Don’t despair, figure out what fell flat for better decisions next time




I am passionate about helping businesses succeed online, and I believe that SEO is one of the important tools that businesses can use to achieve their goals