Sell products or services on your blog From Blogging to Direct Sales: How to Sell Successfully

3 min readFeb 13, 2024


Sell products or services on your blog

Sell products or services on your blog

Sell products or services on your blog: There comes a point where passion projects with loyal viewers may consider scaling beyond advertising income. Selling your own creations to that established audience seems logical, but there are nuances beyond slapping up a “Shop” button and expecting it to take off. If this idea stirs both possibility and uncertainty in you, let’s unpack what works — and common missteps!

Understanding the Type of Blogger/Seller Hybrid

Most likely, one of these models best fit your venture:

Blog Sales Success Takes Foundation

It’s tempting to rush towards sales pages. Here’s what your blog must achieve first:

  • Trust: People buy from those they feel know the problem area better than they do themselves. Has your content demonstrated this competence yet?
  • Niche Specificity: If you cover too broad a scope, people are less likely to see why they need something you made as opposed to generic solutions available anywhere.
  • Traffic Matters: Don’t expect to see huge figures by only converting a tiny pool of viewers. Growing readership strategically often precedes major direct-selling success.

Content + Sales: Making Them Work in Tandem

  • The Power of Case Studies: If you used your own services/products for success, document the process! Your own journey demonstrating outcomes is often the sales pitch no fancy copywriting can beat.
  • “Lead Magnet” to Buyer Pipeline: A simple freebie in exchange for emails opens up direct messaging with those most likely to invest, increasing targeted selling chances.
  • Avoid Hard Pitches Everywhere: Your blog’s value must always stand on its own first. Overreliance on selling will drive off the very people who make that viable in the long run.

Choosing Your Platform

Selling on a blog involves more than a ‘Buy Now’ button:

  • E-Commerce Plugins: Ideal for physical goods if your main site can handle inventory and checkout well. WordPress paired with Woocommerce is a common choice.
  • Third-Party Marketplaces: Etsy, Creative Market, etc., work if you fit specific niches. The trade-off: you tap into an existing customer base, but may have platform fees to consider.
  • Course Sites: Teachable, Kajabi, and others handle hosting and payment with features specifically targeting learning as a product.

It’s About Audience Not Quantity

A focused blog built around a well-defined problem often delivers higher conversions than generic, high-traffic pages. This model relies on the right audience and a deep understanding of the solutions they value enough to pay for. Get specific! [Sell products or services on your blog]




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