Tap into Pinterest’s Visual Search Engine: Driving Targeted Blog Traffic

3 min readFeb 11, 2024


Pinterest for blog traffic

Pinterest for blog traffic

Pinterest for blog traffic: Pinterest might feel ‘fluffy’ to some, but as a content specialist focused on search intent and strategic SEO, I know it’s a marketing workhorse when approached cleverly. Let’s uncover why pins offer more than simply pretty inspiration — with the right approach, they can become a traffic-generating machine for your blog.

Understanding Pinterest Search Behavior

It’s less about browsing, more about seeking:

  • “Easy [niche] ideas”: Recipes, actionable how-tos, etc., all pin-friendly formats
  • “[Product] for [use case]”: Think gift guides, comparison listicles suiting affiliate links
  • “[Problem] solutions visual”: Infographics, step-by-step images (often linking to the detailed blog article for even more knowledge)

Why Pinterest Loves the ‘Long Game’ for Blogs

  1. Evergreen Content’s Edge: A well-optimized pin about core niche concerns lives longer than a social post designed for the ‘now’
  2. Less Algorithm Dependency: While there’s no magic fix, Pinterest rewards quality visuals + good descriptions CONSISTENTLY over chasing trend waves
  3. “Hidden” Keywords Matter: People use casual phrases that may not even be in your blog title! Strategic descriptions tap into search terms you missed before
  4. SEO Crossover: Pins linking to well-optimized blog posts may subtly help site authority as a whole due to backlinks and related-topic traffic
  5. Audience Nurturing: Even non-followers might see your pin -> visit blog -> get drawn into your email list where real connection builds

Pin Optimization as a Content Skill

  • Visually Speak Volumes: Can someone quickly guess your blog post’s core promise FROM the pin itself? Good imagery + text matters, not just repurposed article cover
  • Keyword Savvy Descriptions: Don’t neglect this! Think about natural phrases the ideal reader might type as if a friend gave the recommendation of your post
  • Board Strategy Evolves: It’s not just your own niche one; think lateral angles on your topic that hook in adjacent interests to cast a wider initial net
  • Data is Your Friend: What drove previous spikes? Learn from successes as much as bombs

Let’s Turn Those Views into Engaged Readers!

  • Biggest pinning pain point? Unsure about ideal formats, or keywords tripping you up?
  • Do you see Pinterest as mainly recipe / DIY potential, OR is your niche just as “pinnable” with the right approach? [Pinterest for blog traffic]




I am passionate about helping businesses succeed online, and I believe that SEO is one of the important tools that businesses can use to achieve their goals