Unlock Earnings: Making Advertising Work For Your Blog

3 min readFeb 12, 2024


Monetize your blog with advertising

Monetize your blog with advertising: Monetizing a blog, turning your passion project into something that generates income, is a major milestone. Advertising is a popular means to achieve this. If the idea holds appeal, but getting started seems daunting, this guide breaks down the essentials and sets you up to determine if it’s a good fit for your blog.

The Realities of Blog Monetization with Ads

Let’s clear some things up to ensure a realistic approach:

Ad Networks: Connecting Bloggers with Advertisers

The easiest entry point for most bloggers is using an established network. Think of these as brokers for ad space:

Beyond The Big Networks

  1. Direct Deals: If you have significant niche authority, companies may negotiate for ad placement directly with you. This often grants greater flexibility and earning potential.
  2. Affiliate Marketing: While technically separate from display ads, this works in tandem for many. Recommending related products with unique links brings commission when those result in sales.

Is It the Right Choice For You?

Ask yourself this before starting down this path:

Tips for Effective Advertising on Blogs

A Note on Blogging Focus

Don’t allow the quest for monetization to undermine creating fantastic content that organically builds an audience. It’s counterintuitive if the quality of your work — what brought those initial readers in — declines after slapping ads everywhere. Find your balance!




I am passionate about helping businesses succeed online, and I believe that SEO is one of the important tools that businesses can use to achieve their goals