Your Blog: From Passion Project to Profitable — Strategies for Smart Monetization

3 min readFeb 10, 2024


How to make money with your blog

How to make money with your blog

How to make money with your blog: You’ve honed your writing craft, cultivated a readership on Medium…now let’s turn that engagement into income! As a content specialist who understands the intersection of valuable content with discoverability via SEO, I’ll break down realistic approaches that align with your unique voice and existing strengths.

Understanding How People Search for More

Think about search terms related to your content on Medium that hint at reader “pain points”:

  • Problem Seekers: “Help with [niche concern]”
  • Product Curious: “Best [tool or product type] for [use case]”
  • Expanding Expertise: “[Your niche] courses/resources”

Monetization Isn’t One-Size-Fits-All: Match Model to Strengths

  1. Affiliate Marketing: Curated recommendations within existing posts (tools, products you genuinely use). Ideal if honest reviews are already part of your style.
  2. Your Expertise as a Product: Ebooks, paid templates, niche tools solving the audience’s needs YOU address on Medium. Requires outside platform setup for smooth customer experience.
  3. Services Aligned with Content: If you have coaching, freelance writing, or consulting skills that relate to your blog’s focus, make that clear via targeted posts!
  4. Membership Perks: Medium now offers this. Does “bonus content”, early access, or community space enhance the core free blog you offer?
  5. Sponsored Content (Proceed With Caution!): Only if it truly resonates with your brand and niche. Losing audience trust hurts more than quick pay.

The SEO Twist: Optimizing for Financial Success

  • Internal Linking is KEY: Guide readers to posts where affiliate links etc., make sense naturally.
  • Keywords Go Beyond Blog: What terms would someone actively looking to SPEND money in your niche type on Google? This opens new content doors
  • “Money Pages” Deserve Love: If you link to a freelance services page, ensure its title, etc., aligns with how clients SEARCH for that work, not just how YOU describe it.

Ethical Success is Best Success

Don’t neglect:

  • Clear FTC Disclosures: Readers appreciate upfront honesty when a link benefits you
  • Value First: Even monetized posts must align with genuine problem-solving for your audience

Ready to level up your blogging income? Let’s brainstorm!

Is finding good affiliate fits your roadblock, or setting up the tech backend to sell on your own? These are common bottlenecks — let’s find solutions as personalized as your content!




I am passionate about helping businesses succeed online, and I believe that SEO is one of the important tools that businesses can use to achieve their goals