Fork and Push is the New Language

Dhvl C.
2 min readMay 24, 2016


Credits : UnSplash

Technical revolution is in full pace and this creates new learning curve for everyone. With everyone talking technology in daily basis soon everyone will be speaking code which until this point is only seen when two nerds talk about let’s say machine learning. But time has come when everyone needs to learn code and stop doing redundant tasks.

Coding is simple for programmers but alien hieroglyphic for the ones who aren’t and this needs to change. We need to stop brewing coffee manually everyday at 8 A.M. or turn off the lights in the lawn at 11 P.M. because it’s redundant and this can be with an Arduino chip and few lines of code.

When change occurs, if you are not part of the stream roller then you are part of the road

Few decade ago music was entirely based on instruments but now it’s completely different. Musicians are composing music with their laptops. There is no longer a need for a studio to start your career which was the biggest hurdle for most musicians. Similarly you no longer need actors for movies. Anime is equally trending and requires few computers and animators.

On top of this with current startup revolution everyone has idea on which they want to work on. Only issue with many of them is they don’t know how to convert their idea into product. This is the biggest reason many maybe next big idea remain just an idea in someone’s head and this shouldn’t be like that.

So get up and subscribe to a beginner coding course. It’s better to be late to the party than not attending the party



Dhvl C.

With time people change, So did I! I do not write this stuff anymore and don’t know what to write either, Don’t follow if you expecting more content. K bye.