Four Cool DBs for Real Time Applications

Dhvl C.
2 min readApr 19, 2016


Credits : UnSplash

Realtime applications are in trend, Here are four Databases that you can use while building your real time application

1. RethinkDB

RethinkDB is the open-source, scalable JSON database built from the ground up for the realtime web. It inverts the traditional database architecture by exposing an exciting new access model — instead of polling for changes, the developer can tell RethinkDB to continuously push updated query results to applications in realtime. RethinkDB’s realtime push architecture dramatically reduces the time and effort necessary to build scalable realtime apps.

ReThink works fine for Realtime (Applications, Analytics, Connected Devices and much more)

ReThink has ReQL as query language. Provides Chaining, Laziness, Parallelism, and it can do Math !

2. MemSQL

MemSQL is a high-performance, in-memory database that combines
the horizontal scalability of distributed systems with the familiarity of SQL.

MemSQL features an in-memory row store and a disk-based column store in a single database, achieving extremely low latency execution while allowing for data growth.Multiple Data Models, including SQL, Key-value, Document/JSON and Geospatial

Minimum Requirements are bit high but worth it

  • 8 GB of RAM
  • 64-bit Linux
  • 4 Cores

3. VoltDB

VoltDB provides In-memory, scale-out, massively parallel relational database, Strongest transactional consistency (ACID) which means Data is always correct, consistent and never lost.

Works fine for Analytics also supports SQL and ACID compliance.

4. PipelineDB

An open-source relational database that runs SQL queries continuously on streams, incrementally storing results in tables.

Continuous views are the core abstraction of PipelineDB. You can think about them as very high-throughput, realtime, incrementally updated materialised views. The most important property of a continuous view is that only its output is actually stored in the database.

PipelineDB is built into the PostgreSQL core and can be used as a drop in replacement for PostgreSQL.



Dhvl C.

With time people change, So did I! I do not write this stuff anymore and don’t know what to write either, Don’t follow if you expecting more content. K bye.