4 Things Only School Can Provide

Parents want their kids to go to school, but do they really care what they learn at school?

Dhaval Jardosh
4 min readJan 29, 2018

Well this is the tradition:

4–18 yrs — Go to School

18–22 yrs — Go to College

22 yrs+ — Get a Job then keep it till you are paid enough, think about starting a business, think about how you can make this place a better world, think, think, think

We are not programmed to “do”, we just “think”.

Well let’s face it whatever a person gains between 4–22 years plays a major impact in his/her future.

Not to waste these crucial years in life.

Benefits of school:

  1. Time
  2. Knowledge Resources
  3. Mentors
  4. Going after your Ambitions

You must have seen people dropping out of school, just because they found something of their interest while they were in school.

That’s why time plays a crucial role.

Let’s get into the details:

Firstly, Time to look around your surroundings:

“You get paid for what you do, not what you know”.

There is always a room for change. Take time to look for things that you can change, processes you can make smoother, service you can provide that can change the way people do their daily tasks.

Every small thing does matter.

Let me give you some examples:

  1. Marketing Skill, Negotiating Skill, Convincing Skill , …..
    A grocery shopkeeper where you buy grocery every other day they keep their account on paper/excel or any other orthodox method.
    How to make things better for them?
  2. Software Operating Skill, Music Knowledge , …..
    Your school is having a dance event organised and as we know all dance events needs to have their songs merged.
    Can you do it?

You have the time to learn, just utilise it.

Secondly, you got ample of Knowledge Resources, use it

— Presumed people are smart enough to find resources on their own.

After proper investment of time, you now have a good list of items which you can or want to change.

You have the provision to learn whatever you want.

You’re the one who can limit yourself, nobody else can.

And learning doesn’t really mean you learn to build a working car, working rocket, a working computer or anything like that.

Just being curious about how things work, that “curiosity” is enough to push you to learn.

Thirdly, all great person likes mentoring an earnest person

“Like attracts like”

Great person becomes great because of their curiosity.

If they find you just as earnest as they are, they will treat you as one of them.

So with that said, if you have found something that you are interested in, and you are already working on it.

And let’s say you are stuck, knowledge resources are not able to help you(as we are not able to find solutions in our knowledge resources), take help from mentors.

Find who can help you, try contacting them. Email them or talk to them your problem and what are the possible solutions you thought of.

If you try those solutions and they didn’t work out, they will be more happy that, you tried something and failed. They will take you more seriously.

Fourthly, freedom to go for your Ambitions

“You got wings” — Photo by Phil Botha on Unsplash

While you are in school, you have the wings to do anything you like.

This anything is Ambition.

It’s really hard to find what you truly are capable of, just keep looking.

I guarantee you that you will find it, make sure you find it as early as you can.

By anything, I mean Singer, Scientist, Entertainer, Doctor, Sportsperson, Engineer or whatever you want or you are capable of.

Several people are pointless even after graduating from school.


If you can take advantage of these situations while you are in school/college, you won’t be pointless in your most crucial situations in life.

