XML vs. Jetpack Compose: Which is Better for Android App Development?

Dhavan Bhalodiya
3 min readMar 19, 2023


If you’re an Android developer, you’re probably familiar with XML as the standard markup language for defining user interfaces. However, with the release of Jetpack Compose, a new declarative UI toolkit for Android, you now have the option of using a more modern approach to UI layout. In this article, we’ll compare Compose and XML and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each technique.

What is Jetpack Compose?

Compose is a new UI toolkit from Google that allows you to create Android UIs using Kotlin code. With Compose, you can define your UI elements as composable functions, which are small, self-contained building blocks that can be combined to create complex UIs. Compose uses a reactive programming model, which means that the UI updates automatically when the underlying data changes.

Advantages of Jetpack Compose

  1. Declarative Syntax: Compose uses a declarative syntax that makes it easy to create and manage UI elements. Instead of writing XML code that describes how your UI should look and behave, you write Kotlin code that describes what your UI should look like based on the state of your app.
  2. UI Preview: Compose comes with a built-in UI preview tool that allows you to see how your UI will look and behave in real time. This makes it easier to iterate on your design and catch errors before you run your app.
  3. Code Reusability: Compose allows you to create reusable UI components that can be used across multiple screens and even multiple apps. This can save you a lot of time and effort when building complex UIs.
  4. Better Performance: Compose is designed to be more performant than traditional XML layouts. It uses a lightweight, reactive approach that makes it faster and more efficient to render UI elements.

Disadvantages of Jetpack Compose

  1. Learning curve: Compose is a new toolkit, which means there is a learning curve involved in getting up to speed with the new syntax and concepts. If you’re used to working with XML, you may find the transition to Compose to be challenging.
  2. Limited documentation: As a relatively new toolkit, Compose has limited documentation compared to XML. This means you may need to rely on community resources or trial and error to learn how to use them effectively.
  3. Compatibility issues: Compose still needs to be fully compatible with all Android devices and APIs. This means that you may need to use XML layouts for some parts of your app to ensure compatibility with older devices or APIs.

Advantages of XML

  1. XML is a well-established technology that has been used in Android development for many years.
  2. XML is easy to read and understand, which makes it a good choice for teams with developers of varying skill levels.
  3. XML is widely adopted and there are many resources available to help you learn and troubleshoot issues.

Disadvantages of XML

  1. XML requires more code to create UI elements compared to Compos.
  2. XML layouts can become difficult to manage as the layout becomes more complex
  3. Slower development: Creating layouts with XML can be slower than with Compose, especially for complex layouts. This can slow down the overall development process and increase the time it takes to bring your app to market.
  4. Boilerplate code: XML often requires more boilerplate code than Compose, which can make it more challenging to maintain and update.


In summary, Compose and XML are both valid ways to build Android UI, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you are starting a new Android app and want to take advantage of the latest UI toolkit, then Compose may be the way to go. However, if you have an existing app that uses XML for its UI, then sticking with XML may be the best option for now. Ultimately, the choice between Compose and XML depends on your specific needs and preferences as an Android developer.



Dhavan Bhalodiya

Software Engineer | Flutter | Android Developer | Kotlin | Jetpack Compose