The Value Of Installing ID scanners in Nightclubs and Discotheques

Kaitlyn Dhavernas
4 min readFeb 28, 2018


The key to run a successful nightclub is not restricted to a great collection of liquor, feet tapping music, and energetic ambiance. It takes a bit more than that to make the establishment the talk of the town. Safety plays a major role in building the reputation of a nightclub or discotheque. It is the responsibility of the management to ensure the safety of its patrons and prevent fights from breaking out inside or outside the premises.

People frequently visit nightclubs and discotheques to have a good time. A fight or safety hazard, however, would act as a perfect spoilsport to the positive and vibrant mood. To prevent such instances from taking place, it is essential to install ID scanners at the entry of the establishment. The function of an ID scanner is not restricted to just scanning IDs and determining the legal age of the patron. This equipment can serve various purposes, which could prove profitable for a nightclub or discotheque.

Why to Install ID Scanners in Nightclubs and Discotheques?

The below section will explore the numerous benefits of using ID scanners at nightclubs and discotheques.

  • Differentiates Real from Fake IDs:

In the United States, each year more than 250 changes are carried out for ID proofs. Amid such changes, the rampant creation of fake ID will also be continuing to advance at its own pace. Thanks to technological advancement, these days it is almost impossible to differentiate a fake ID from a real one through a naked eye.

So, it would be unfair to burden the doorman of the nightclub with the task of recognizing a fake or outdated ID just by looking at it. If the doorman fails to recognize the fraudulent ID and approves a minor inside the premises where alcohol is served, then the legal implications for the nightclub could be devastating.

However, a quality ID scanner can easily recognize the difference between a real and a fake ID and can save the nightclub from endless legal hassles and heavy fine implications of underage drinking.

  • Collects Demographic Data:

One of the many benefits of installing an ID scanner is that the data collected by the equipment also gives the owners an insight into the demographics of the patrons visiting the establishment. Analysis of this data presents a detailed perception of the guests. For instance, the area from where maximum people are visiting the nightclub or the average age of the customers who visit the nightclub during 7 pm every Friday. Access to such in-depth information can help the management to promote the business in new markets and expand it in new regions through innovative advertising and marketing campaigns.

  • Maintains Safety and Security:

Apart from denying entry to minors and curbing underage drinking, the ID scanner can also lower the risks of unlawful incidents from taking place inside or outside the premises of the nightclub or discotheque. High-quality advanced ID scanners, for instance, can track certain individuals who have displayed tendencies of creating trouble under the influence of excessive intoxication.

The ID scanning system also links the identity of a person to any of his/her previous illegal activities for which they were booked by the police. This enables the management to make an informed decision on whether to allow them admittance inside the nightclub or not.

  • Lowers Wait Time for Patrons:

The ID scanner checks the age of an individual and the authenticity of the ID at the same time, and because it is automated the scanning takes place within a few seconds, reducing the wait time of the patrons. While this may seem a small improvement, it can actually create a ripple effect which eventually benefits the nightclub at the end of the day. The lower wait time results in the queue moving quickly, enabling more and more guests to enter the nightclub and discotheque. Often it is seen that a long queue acts as a deterrent and prompts guests to visit a discotheque where the wait time is comparatively less.

  • Identifies VIP and Banned Guests:

Do you want to ensure that your VIP guests receive special service and attention at the nightclub? ID scanners can make it possible quite easily. Advanced ID scanners include options to create separate lists for VIP guests. Thus, as soon as the ID card of the guest is scanned, the doorman or the bouncer will be alerted about the identity and importance of the person so that special service can be given to him/her from the entry itself.

VIP guests are high rollers for the nightclubs and it is essential to bestow special attention to keep them interested in visiting the establishment time and again. In the same way, a separate list can be created for people who are banned from entering the premises. This will help the staff and management avoid troublemakers from entering the nightclubs and create a nuisance for other patrons.

The Bottom line:

The wide-ranging benefits of ID scanners make it a necessity for nightclubs and discotheques in the modern times. From checking the originality of the ID, curbing underage drinking, to preventing brawls, the ID scanner in true sense assists in protecting the goodwill and reputation of the restaurant. ID scanning systems are an extremely practical equipment which must be installed at the entry of all nightclubs and discotheques.



Kaitlyn Dhavernas

Kaitlyn Dhavernas, a technical writer, takes interest in technology and pens down informative blogs on the use of technology to maintain information security.