Top 5 Deployment Strategies In DevOps | Deployment Strategies Explained

Dheeman Das
7 min readMay 21, 2024


In this blog, we will discuss the top 5 deployment strategies in DevOps. This information will be helpful for those in Cloud/DevOps, Operations, Development, project delivery, or release management.

1. Blue-Green Deployment

Imagine you have a house (your application) that you want to renovate (update with new features or fixes). With the Blue-Green Deployment approach:

Blue House: This is your current live house, where you and your family are currently living. It’s all set up and running smoothly. This represents the current version of the application that your users are using.

Green House: This is your new, renovated house. It’s identical to your blue house, but it has all the new changes and updates you want to make. This represents the new version of your application with the updates or changes you’ve made.

Now, here’s how the deployment process works:

Preparation: You finish building the green-house (developing and testing the new version of your application). It’s all ready to go.

Switching: Instead of renovating your blue house directly, you decide to move into the green-house first. So, you ask your family (your users) to move from the blue house to the green-house. This switch happens quickly and seamlessly.

Verification: Once everyone has moved into the green-house, you take some time to make sure everything is working as expected. You check if all the rooms are comfortable, if the plumbing works fine, if the electricity is stable, etc. This is like testing your new application version to ensure it works properly.

Confirmation: After verifying that everything is in order and your family is happy with the green-house, you officially declare it as your new house. Now, all your family activities happen in the green-house, and the blue house is kept as a backup.

So, in a nutshell, Blue-Green Deployment is like having two identical houses where you live in one while preparing the other for any updates or changes. Once the new house is ready and checked thoroughly, you smoothly transition from the old house to the new one, ensuring minimal disruption to your family’s routine.

2. Canary Deployment

Imagine you’re a chef introducing a new dish (an updated version of your application) in your restaurant (your software environment). You want to make sure your customers (users) like it before putting it on the full menu.

Traditional Approach: Normally, you’d introduce the new dish to the entire menu (release the new version of your application to all users at once). If customers don’t like it, they might leave and not come back.

Canary Approach: Instead of serving the new dish to everyone, you decide to offer it to just a few tables first (a small subset of users). These tables are like the canary in a coal mine—they help you test the waters.

Observation: You carefully watch the reactions of the customers at these tables. If they love the new dish, great! You can confidently add it to the full menu. If they don’t, you can quickly remove it without affecting the rest of the customers.

Gradual Rollout: Assuming the feedback is positive, you gradually introduce the new dish to more tables over time, monitoring reactions each step of the way. This way, you can ensure a smooth transition and make any necessary adjustments based on real customer feedback.

In simple terms, Canary Deployment is like trying out a new dish in your restaurant on a few tables first to see if customers like it before adding it to the full menu. It’s a way to test changes with a small group of users first, ensuring a smoother and safer rollout of updates or features.

3. A/B Testing Deployment

Imagine you’re a teacher designing two different versions of a quiz (versions A and B) to see which one helps your students learn better.

Version A: This is your original quiz, the one you’ve been using so far. You know how it performs and the kind of results it produces.

Version B: This is the new quiz you’ve created with some changes. Maybe you rearranged the questions, added some hints, or changed the format.

Here’s how A/B Testing works:

Splitting the Class: Instead of giving the same quiz to everyone, you divide your class into two groups. One group gets Version A, while the other gets Version B. Each group represents a different “version” of your application.

Observation: After the quizzes are done, you collect and compare the results from both groups. You want to see which version helped the students score better or learn more effectively.

Analysis: You carefully examine the scores and feedback from both groups. If Version B performs better, you might consider making it the new standard quiz for future classes. If not, you stick with Version A or make further improvements to Version B and try again.

Iterating: Based on your findings, you continue tweaking and testing different versions of the quiz to find the most effective one for your students.

In essence, A/B Testing is like comparing two versions of something (like a quiz or an application feature) to see which one works better. By testing changes with real users (or students), you can make informed decisions about what to keep, what to improve, and what to discard.

4. Rolling Update Deployment

Imagine you’re a manager at a busy restaurant, and you need to update the menu without disrupting the service.

Current Menu: Your restaurant is serving a menu (your current version of the application), but you want to introduce some changes, like adding new dishes or updating the prices.

Smooth Transition: Instead of changing the entire menu at once, which could confuse customers and disrupt their dining experience, you decide to make the updates gradually.

Table by Table: You start with one section of the restaurant (a subset of your servers or users). You inform them about the new menu changes and let them know that they can still order from the old menu if they prefer.

Observation: As you roll out the changes to this first group, you keep an eye on how customers react. If they like the new dishes and prices, you move on to the next section. If there are any issues, you can quickly address them without affecting the entire restaurant.

Gradual Progress: You continue this process, updating one section at a time, until the entire restaurant (or all servers/users) is using the new menu. Throughout the process, the restaurant remains open, and customers can still enjoy their meals without major interruptions.

In simple terms, Rolling Update Deployment is like updating a restaurant menu section by section, allowing customers to gradually get accustomed to the changes without causing chaos or downtime. It’s a smooth and controlled way to introduce updates or new features while minimizing disruptions to the overall service.

5. Recreate/All at once Deployment

Imagine you’re renovating your house, but instead of doing it room by room, you decide to tear down the entire house and rebuild it from scratch.

Old House: You have your current house (your existing version of the application). It might be outdated or need significant changes.

Big Renovation: Instead of making small changes or additions, you decide to demolish the entire house (stop the current version of the application) and build a brand new one from the ground up.

Starting Fresh: Once the old house is demolished (the current version of the application is stopped), you begin constructing the new house (the updated version of the application) exactly the way you want it.

Move-in Ready: After the new house is built (the updated version of the application is deployed), you move in and start living there. It’s fresh, modern, and meets all your current needs.

In simple terms, Recreate Deployment is like tearing down your old house and building a completely new one in its place. It’s a drastic approach where you start from scratch to create something entirely new and improved, rather than making incremental changes to the existing structure.

Here is a comparison of 5 deployment Strategies:


In conclusion, understanding the various deployment strategies in DevOps is crucial for successfully managing software releases and ensuring smooth operations of applications. In this article, we’ve explored five top deployment strategies: Blue-Green Deployment, Canary Deployment, A/B Testing, Rolling Update Deployment, and Recreate Deployment. Each strategy offers unique advantages and is suited to different scenarios, whether it’s minimizing downtime, testing changes with a subset of users, or completely rebuilding applications from scratch.

By incorporating these deployment strategies into your DevOps practices, you can enhance agility, reduce risks, and deliver value to your users more effectively. Remember to carefully consider your project requirements, team capabilities, and user needs when selecting the appropriate deployment strategy. With the right approach, you can optimize your deployment processes and drive continuous improvement in your software development lifecycle.

#DevOpsDeployment #DeploymentStrategies# DevOpsBestPractices #SoftwareDeployment #ContinuousDelivery

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