Feast for the Future, Unveiling the Culinary Revolution with Fit-Feast Case Study

10 min readDec 15, 2023


Project Overview

Introducing Fit Feast — Your Personalised Path to Healthier Living!

Embark on a journey of wellness with our customized meal plans designed just for you! Discover the joy of delicious, nutritious meals that fit your lifestyle. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Tailored for You: Customize your meal plans to match your taste, dietary preferences, and health goals. Flexibility at its finest!
  • Global Flavors: Explore a world of cuisines right at your fingertips! From hearty breakfasts to savory dinners, our diverse recipes make healthy eating exciting.
  • Nutrition at its Core: We prioritize your well-being! Each meal is crafted with nutritional excellence, ensuring you get the goodness your body deserves.
  • Seamless Experience: Enjoy easy navigation on our user-friendly platform, accessible on any device. Meal planning made simple, anytime, anywhere!
  • Expertly Curated: Our plans are created with expertise — think of it as having a personal nutritionist guiding you toward a healthier you.
  • Variety is Key: Say goodbye to monotonous meals! Our categories cater to your day, offering a diverse range of options for every craving.

Target Audience

Who We’re Cooking For:

  • The Busy Professional: Juggling work, meetings, and deadlines? Our meal plans are designed to save you time while keeping you energized.
  • The Culinary Explorer: Love trying new flavors but short on time? Discover a world of cuisines without the hassle of recipe hunting.
  • The Fitness Enthusiast: Whether you’re a gym regular or a workout warrior, our nutrition-focused plans support your fitness goals.
  • The Family Chef: Planning family meals made easy! Cater to diverse tastes while ensuring everyone gets the nutrition they need.
  • The Wellness Warrior: Prioritize your health journey with our customizable plans, tailored to your dietary preferences and wellness goals.

Research & Discovery

In our quest to redefine meal planning, we dived deep into the culinary cosmos, scrutinizing industry giants like MyFitnessPal, Tasty, and Eat This Much. Here’s a glimpse into our comprehensive competitor analysis:

  1. MyFitnessPal :
  • Explored for its robust fitness tracking capabilities and extensive food database.
  • Identified strengths in calorie counting but noted a potential gap in personalized meal planning.

2. Tasty :

  • Examined for its visually appealing recipes and engaging content.
  • Acknowledged strengths in creativity but identified a lack of personalized nutrition focus.

3. Eat This Much :

  • Recognized strengths in customization but observed room for improvement in user interface design.

Key Insights:

  • Users seek a balance between fitness tracking and personalized meal plans.
  • Visual appeal and engaging content play a crucial role in user retention.
  • Automation features and AI-driven suggestions resonate with users looking for efficiency.

Armed with these insights, we set out to bridge the gaps and create a meal-planning experience that seamlessly blends personalization, fitness, and culinary creativity.

Design Process

Embark on a journey through the design discovery phase, where the seeds of innovation were planted, and the vision for Fit Feast began to bloom:

  1. Inspiration Harvest :
  • Delved deep into the culinary cosmos, drawing inspiration from competitor analysis and user insights.
  • Identified trends, patterns, and gaps in existing meal-planning solutions.

2. Ideation Feast :

  • Hosted brainstorming sessions, cultivating ideas that would redefine the meal planning experience.
  • Merged creativity and practicality to shape a concept that marries personalization, health, and culinary delight.

3. User-Centric Seeds :

  • Planted the seeds of a user-centric design, ensuring that every feature and interaction would serve the needs and desires of our diverse audience.

4. Innovative Sprouts :

  • Cultivated innovative solutions to challenges uncovered during the design discovery phase, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth and improvement.

5. Iterative Growth :

  • Grew the design through an iterative process, refining and enhancing elements based on user testing and feedback.

In the ‘Define’ phase of our design journey, we took the raw ingredients of inspiration and ideation and sculpted them into a purposeful and visionary concept for Fit Feast:

  1. Purpose Clarification :
  • Clarified the overarching purpose of the platform: to revolutionize meal planning with a focus on personalization, health, and culinary enjoyment.

2. User Personas Crafted :

  • Defined user personas, outlining the characteristics, needs, and preferences of our diverse audience.
  • Ensured that every design decision was anchored in serving the identified user personas.

3. Feature Prioritization :

  • Conducted an in-depth analysis of potential features, prioritizing those that align most closely with user needs and the platform’s overarching goals.

4. Defining Unique Selling Points (USPs) :

  • Identified and solidified the unique selling points that set Fit Feast apart from existing solutions in the market.
  • Emphasized personalization, variety, and nutrition as key differentiators.

5. Design Principles Established :

  • Established design principles that would guide the visual and interactive elements of the platform, ensuring a cohesive and delightful user experience.

6. Project Scope Defined :

  • Clearly defined the scope of the project, outlining the features and functionalities that would be part of the initial release.
  • Ensured a manageable and focused approach to development.

Step into the ideation phase, where creativity flourished, and the seeds of innovation were planted to shape the vision of Fit Feast:

  1. Brainstorming Brilliance :
  • Engaged in collaborative brainstorming sessions to generate a diverse range of ideas for the meal-planning platform.
  • Encouraged a free flow of creativity, exploring possibilities beyond conventional boundaries.

2. Concept Fusion :

  • Merged promising concepts, identifying synergies that would redefine the meal planning experience.
  • Explored combinations of personalization, nutrition, and culinary creativity.

3. User-Centric Ideation :

  • Kept user personas at the forefront, ensuring that each idea aligned with the diverse needs and preferences of our target audience.
  • Filtered ideas through the lens of enhancing the user experience.

4. Prototyping Possibilities :

  • Translated selected ideas into preliminary prototypes, providing a tangible representation of the envisioned features and functionalities.
  • Iterated on prototypes to refine and enhance user interaction.

5. Divergent Thinking :

  • Encouraged divergent thinking to explore a multitude of possibilities, ensuring a rich pool of ideas before converging on a refined concept.
  • Embraced unconventional solutions to common challenges.

6. feedback Loop :

  • Iteratively refined ideas based on valuable feedback.

Welcome to the heart of the design phase, where the seeds of inspiration blossom into a visual symphony that defines the aesthetic and functionality of Fit Feast:

  1. Wireframes Woven :
  • Transformed conceptual ideas into wireframes, mapping out the structural foundation of the platform.
  • Ensured a clear blueprint for seamless navigation and user interaction.

2. Prototyping Progress :

  • Advanced from wireframes to interactive prototypes, providing a tangible experience of the platform’s functionalities.
  • Iteratively refined prototypes based on usability testing and feedback.

3. Visual Elements Harmonized :

  • Infused the platform with a vibrant color palette, engaging imagery, and a cohesive design language that reflects the diversity and richness of the culinary experience.
  • Established a visual identity that resonates with the brand and user expectations.

4. Interactive Features Flourished :

  • Introduced interactive elements to enhance user engagement, from drag-and-drop customization to real-time updates on nutritional information.
  • Created a dynamic and enjoyable user journey.

5. Accessibility Prioritized :

  • Prioritized accessibility features to ensure an inclusive design that caters to users with diverse needs.
  • Considered factors such as color contrast, font legibility, and navigational ease.

7. User Testing Performed :

  • Conducted rigorous user testing sessions to gather insights on usability, identify pain points, and refine the design for optimal user satisfaction.
  • Embraced a user-centric approach to design refinement.

Step into the testing phase, where the culinary masterpiece of Fit Feast is refined and perfected through rigorous evaluation and user feedback:

  1. User Testing Commenced :
  • Launched comprehensive user testing sessions to assess the platform’s functionality, navigation, and overall user experience.
  • Gathered valuable insights from diverse user groups to ensure a holistic evaluation.

2. Feedback Loops Embraced :

  • Embraced continuous feedback loops with users to identify pain points, challenges, and opportunities for improvement.
  • Prioritized open communication and collaboration for informed decision-making.

3. Usability Insights Incorporated :

  • Incorporated usability insights into the design, addressing any issues related to navigation, clarity, and overall user interaction.
  • Ensured the platform meets user expectations and provides an intuitive experience.

4. Accessibility Validation :

  • Conducted accessibility validation to ensure that the platform is inclusive and accessible to users with diverse abilities.
  • Addressed any identified accessibility issues to enhance overall usability.

Challenges faced

Our journey to redefine meal planning wasn’t without its share of challenges. Here’s an honest account of the hurdles we faced and how we overcame them:

  1. Balancing Complexity & Simplicity :
  • Challenge: Striking the right balance between a feature-rich platform and a user-friendly interface.
  • Solution: Iterative design and user testing helped refine features, ensuring simplicity without compromising functionality.

2. User Onboarding Uptake :

  • Challenge: Encouraging users to fully explore and leverage the customization options during onboarding.
  • Solution: Introduced an onboarding process, Highlighting the features of the application.

Key Takeaways:

  • Challenges are inherent in innovation; each hurdle presents an opportunity for growth.
  • User feedback and iterative design proved crucial in overcoming obstacles.
  • The result? A resilient and refined meal planning platform ready to revolutionize your culinary journey!

User experience(UX)

Welcome to a world where user experience isn’t just a feature; it’s the heart of our meal-planning platform. Here’s how we crafted a delightful and nourishing UX for our users:

  1. Intuitive Navigation :
  • Designed a user-friendly interface with intuitive navigation, ensuring users effortlessly explore meal categories, recipes, and customization options.

2. Personalization at its Core :

  • Put the user in control with personalized meal plans that adapt to dietary preferences, health goals, and flavor profiles.

3. Accessibility Matters :

  • Prioritized accessibility features to ensure everyone, regardless of ability, can enjoy a seamless and inclusive meal planning experience.

4. Visual Feast :

  • Infused the platform with vibrant visuals, enticing imagery, and a harmonious color palette to make the user journey visually appealing.

5. Effortless Meal Customization :

  • Implemented a user-friendly meal customization process, allowing users to easily modify recipes, portions, and ingredients according to their preferences.

6. Real-time Nutrition Updates :

  • Provided users with instant nutritional information for each meal, empowering them to make informed and health-conscious choices.

7. Engagement Through Interaction :

  • Introduced interactive elements to enhance engagement, from drag-and-drop customization to animated transitions that make the user experience dynamic and enjoyable.

Visual design

Step into the world of visual design, where the vibrant colors, engaging imagery, and thoughtful aesthetics of Fit Feast come together to create a feast for the eyes:

  1. Color Palette Celebration :
  • Curated a harmonious color palette that reflects the diversity and vibrancy of the culinary experience.
  • Each color is chosen with intention, evoking emotions and enhancing the overall visual appeal.

2. Engaging Imagery Unveiled :

  • Infused the platform with captivating imagery, showcasing the variety and freshness of the ingredients featured in our meal plans.
  • Aimed to inspire and entice users on their culinary journey.

3. Cohesive Design Language Established :

  • Established a cohesive design language that aligns with the brand identity and resonates with the target audience.
  • Ensured consistency in visual elements for a seamless and enjoyable user experience.

4. Typography Elegance :

  • Selected fonts that enhance readability and convey the desired tone of the content.
  • Balanced elegance with functionality to create a typographic experience that complements the overall design.

5. Immersive Visual Elements :

  • Introduced visual elements that immerse users in the culinary world, from enticing food illustrations to subtle animations that enhance user engagement.
  • Strive to create an immersive and delightful visual experience.

6. User Interface Simplicity :

  • Prioritized simplicity in the user interface, ensuring that design elements are intuitive and contribute to a seamless navigation experience.
  • Aimed for a visually pleasing interface without compromising functionality.


As we draw the curtains on the design and development of Fit Feast, we reflect on the journey that brought this culinary masterpiece to life:

  1. From Concept to Reality :
  • What began as a vision to revolutionize meal planning has transformed into a tangible reality. Fit Feast stands as a testament to creativity, innovation, and user-centric design.

2. User-Centric Triumph :

  • Our commitment to putting users at the center of the design process has resulted in a platform that not only meets but exceeds their expectations. Personalization, nutrition, and culinary delight are woven into the fabric of every feature.

3. Innovation Overcome Challenges :

  • Challenges were not roadblocks but opportunities for innovation. Each obstacle paved the way for creative solutions, refining the platform into a resilient and refined experience.

4. Community and Support :

  • The journey doesn’t end here; it evolves. We invite users to join our community, share their meal plans, and be part of a supportive network dedicated to healthier living.

5. A Platform for Every Palate :

  • Fit Feast isn’t just an app; it’s a culinary companion catering to diverse palates, preferences, and wellness goals. From busy professionals to family chefs, this platform welcomes all on a journey to savor the joy of meal planning.

I am looking for opportunities as a Product Designer. If you’d love me to be a part of your awesome design team, do reach out to me on Linkedin or Twitter. I’d love to have a conversation with you!




Innovative product designer crafting seamless experiences through form and function. Transforming ideas into tangible elegance.