Do you need a hidden spy app? There’s no better than ONESPY

Dheeraj Kumar
5 min readMay 14, 2018


Whenever any of us is determined to get something for our needs, we always look for the best in the field because it is human nature to rely on things on which majority of people have their trust and belief. The same is with the topic of spying, there is a huge competition in the field and there are several spy apps which are offering you spying services claiming to be the most reliable but according to our research and study more than 5 million people trust ONESPY hidden spy app and opt for it for all their spying necessities.

Despite the hard-held competition between the hidden spy app in the current times due to the increasing demand of spying applications these days, ONESPY spy app has tightly held its positions in the spying industry from almost a decade now. It has gained customer’s trust with its excellent and trustworthy services which have made it №1 phone monitoring application till date. Somehow, ONESPY hidden spy app knows the helplessness of people and their struggles when they turn towards a spy app for android which would understand and help them in the same way they expect and ONESPY has been successful in doing so.

There are so many situations which we are generally unaware of and people keep fighting with those situations in their daily lives trying to win them but trust me they are hard both mentally and physically. Think of the struggle of the parents who see their kids using cell phones all the time knowing the consequences the mere gadget can have on their innocent kids but still are helpless and insecure having no other choice. Think about those employers who of an organization who fear every single second in the dilemma of what if the employees cheat on the company as the company’s reputation is always on the stake and is on the shoulders of the employees only. All these small appearing issues are actually big disturbing but are only known by people who are in those shoes.

ONESPY hidden spy app has voluntarily observed those problems and is trying every bit to contribute in the easing of parental control and employee monitoring. It was developed with the primary objective of empowering parents and families so that they can monitor the children or minors of the family and safeguard them remotely without intimidating them that they are being watched. Also, the spy hidden app wanted to make sure that the corporates or the employers of any organization get full access to the activities of their employees in the working hours so as to ensure their work efficiency, time utilization and real intentions. Both the objectives of ONESPY hidden spy app have been well managed by the spy app for mobile phones.

ONESPY-hidden spy app

ONESPY is a complete hidden application which has absolutely no trace on the screen of the phone. It is untraceable in all manners and is different from all other phone spy apps which are visible on the screen or get detected after few efforts. ONESPY hidden spy app ensures no visibility and has no icon on the screen or anywhere in the target phone. It works as a background application and can be reached even after searches.

Also, it has a unique quality that it comes with an undetectable feature which cannot let the hidden spy app deleted even after several factory resets that a child or employee may try on the phone. This is only provided by the best-hidden spy app which is ONESPY.

Features of ONESPY hidden spy app

The most important part of the application is its features and thus it is important to tell all the viewers about the excellent and remarkable features offered by ONESPY hidden spy app. ONESPY android spy app does not let your efforts go in vain. It can actually track all the activities of a phone remotely without even having any direct access to the phone. Well, that’s true. You name it, and you get it on ONESPY. It has more than 30 features which can track all applications of a mobile phone remotely. It has the maximum number of features as compared to any other hidden spy app and some of them are worth noting such as:

Spy call logs: Being the most important feature of a phone, call logs have all the information about a person. It can tell you all about the person’s contacts and connections within no time. ONESPY hidden spy app can let you track all missed, incoming and outgoing calls of a phone. You can see all the details of the calls such as the contact name, number, date, time and duration of the calls as well.

Hidden call recorder: A one step ahead feature from spying call logs is the hidden call recorder which gets installed in the target phone and the person can track all call recordings from the phone. You can literally hear all the incoming and outgoing calls of the phone on your own device by downloading the call recordings from the online control panel of ONESPY to your own device.

Spy WhatsApp chats: It is one of the most demanded features of ONESPY hidden spy app. People literally crave to read the messages of WhatsApp messenger as it has got to tell everything about a person. The most popular chat messenger can also be tracked by the hidden spy app and the person can read all the text messages of WhatsApp messenger. You can get all details of the chats as well such as the date, time, contact name and number. Access all the media files shared in the chats as well remotely.

Track GPS location: The helpful feature which can ease parental control to a great extent. Parents now need not worry about their kid’s location as they can track current GPS location of their kids with the hidden spy app. They can get the exact address of the location on the map of their device from anywhere in the world.

