Empowering Language Models: A Journey of Hands-On Prompt Engineering

3 min readAug 7, 2023


As a learner eager to delve into the world of natural language processing, I enrolled in the “ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers” course with great enthusiasm. Throughout my learning journey, I not only grasped the theoretical concepts but also gained hands-on experience that has been truly transformative for my development skills. Let me share how I applied my knowledge after learning about prompt engineering and large language models.

Understanding the Two Types of LLMs:

The course laid a solid foundation by explaining the two primary types of large language models: Base LLMs and Instruction Tuned LLMs. Armed with this knowledge, I could make informed decisions about which type of model to use for specific tasks.

Crafting Effective Prompts:

The principles of prompt engineering were the key to success. I quickly learned the importance of writing clear and specific instructions. I practiced formulating prompts that left no room for ambiguity and made it easier for the language model to generate accurate responses.

Using Delimiters and Structured Output:

Hands-on exercises allowed me to experiment with delimiters and specify structured output formats like JSON and HTML. Incorporating delimiters into prompts proved to be an effective way to indicate distinct parts of the input, enhancing the model’s understanding of complex instructions. Requesting structured output made the processing of data more streamlined and efficient.

Checking Conditions and Few-Shot Prompting:

Through practical tasks, I discovered the power of asking the model to verify conditions. This tactic was invaluable for tasks where precision and accuracy were paramount. Additionally, few-shot prompting was a revelation. By providing limited context, I witnessed how the language model adapted and generated impressive responses, even with minimal information.

Real-World Applications and Iterative Development:

Applying prompt engineering principles to real-world applications was a highlight of my hands-on experience. From generating marketing copy to inferring sentiment from product reviews, I witnessed the potential of language models in addressing practical challenges. The iterative prompt development process taught me the art of refining prompts to achieve desired outputs, making me more adept at prompt engineering.

Utilizing Language Models in My Projects:

Armed with a deep understanding of prompt engineering and large language models, I confidently integrated these techniques into my projects. I developed applications that leveraged the power of language models for various tasks, from language translation to sentiment analysis.

Impact and Growth:

My journey as a learner and hands-on practitioner has been nothing short of fulfilling. I have witnessed the potential of language models in solving real-world problems, and my skills have grown exponentially. From communicating with customers in multiple languages to generating personalized responses for chatbots, I have applied prompt engineering techniques to create innovative and efficient solutions.


My hands-on experience after learning about prompt engineering and large language models has been a transformative and exciting journey. Through experimentation and practical application, I have honed my skills in crafting effective prompts and utilizing language models to their full potential. As I continue to explore new applications and challenges, I am thrilled to contribute to the advancement of natural language processing technologies and make a positive impact in the world of development.

Course Link (ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers)




I am very passionate about coding and development and I like working on real-world projects.