ROSshow: Visualize robot sensor data with ASCII art

Dheera Venkatraman
2 min readMar 29, 2019


Have you ever ssh’ed into a robot to debug whether a sensor is outputting what it should, and used rostopic echo? Have you ever copy-pasted a GPS location from the terminal into Google Maps just to see where it is? Have you ever been lazy to fire up rviz, port forwards, X forwards, or dig up HDMI cables to plug into your robot? If so, ROSshow is for you.

ROSshow renders visualizations of ROS topics, including time-series graphs, 3D point clouds, laser scans, maps, and more, from right inside the terminal. ROSshow uses Braille to render dots with sub-character resolution, but also has a strict ASCII (-a) mode that you can use if you happen to be on a non-Unicode terminal.

It’s free and open-source — please use it, contribute, send feedback, and help make ROS and robots better!

Get it here:

std_msgs/Float32 (time series plot)
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 (Velodyne data!)

