Fancy Button Flutter — How to create attractive colorful button in flutter

Dheeraj Singh Bhadoria
1 min readFeb 12, 2023


Fancy button tutorial flutter. Create colorful button with combination of icon and text

Hello friends, today we will talk about another widget named Fancy Button.

It is called fancy button because you can use many properties to make this button.

Let’s talk about the properties that you can set in this button.

  • You can set icon and text together in this button
  • You can also set the radius of the button
  • You can also set the text color of the button
  • You can also set the color of the button and the outline color of the button.


add the following dependency in pubspec.yaml

fancy_button_flutter: ^1.0.3+1

Import it

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:fancy_button_flutter/fancy_button_flutter.dart';

Complete example ( Fancy Button )

Fancy button in flutter complete example

