Christ consciousness, or the lack of it.

D. Helene
2 min readDec 25, 2022

During this time of year, Christ consciousness is being expressed in a lot of ways all over the planet. Christ consciousness refers to the God qualities that we try to exhibit, no matter what our religious practice happens to be.

God qualities like pure, unconditional love; empathy, compassion, and tolerance — all of which have been channeled through sages and prophets before and since Jesus. None more than Jesus himself.

So it can be especially frustrating when people don’t act with Christ consciousness, especially during the holidays. Especially when others are acting that way toward them.

In that event, the best thing to do is continue to pray for these people, pray for them to overcome and override all vestiges of fear, paranoia, resistance, biases, judgements, opinions, projections, etc. Any or all of these can coalesce into misperceptions that cause people to act out of fear and paranoia.

This can cause them to be passive-aggressive and evasive and to lie. I actually know someone who lied about reading a book on forgiveness. They couldn’t even own the fact that they were still holding onto judgments, opinions and biases. So, they lied about reading a book on forgiveness and then tried to weasel their way out of a relationship, by saying something to the effect of “sometimes people don’t have…



D. Helene

writer, novelist, thinker, reflect-er, provacateur. I write about freedom and autonomy of all kinds. #satire