Elon Musk Predicts Brain Chips Will Replace Phones — The Dawn of Trans-Humanism

Are Brain Chips on the Verge of Replacing Our Phones and Redefining Human Interaction with Machines?

David Herreman
3 min readJun 17, 2024
Image created with Midjourney by the author.

Imagine a world where your smartphone is as ancient as a rotary phone. Elon Musk is all about that future with Neuralink, his company that’s all about brain-chip tech. It might sound like something out of a sci-fi flick, but it’s actually not that far off. Their first brain chip implant in a human earlier this year let a guy control a computer just by thinking — pretty wild, right? Musk is convinced that these brain chips will totally change how we interact with tech. No more tapping or talking — just think, and it’s done. It’s all about trans-humanism, the idea that tech can help us go beyond our natural limits, human v2.

So, Musk just dropped his newest prediction after spotting a post from a parody account called Not Elon Musk on X (formerly Twitter):

What do you think ???

Trans-humanism is all about pushing boundaries and redefining what it means to be human. With brain chips, there’s the worry that our thoughts could be watched or messed with. And privacy? Yeah, that’s a big deal, especially with how things are with smartphones now. The thought of corporations or governments misusing this tech is pretty scary. Plus, who knows what kind of risks come with sticking a device in your brain.

So, would you be up for having a brain chip implanted? It’s a personal choice that you gotta weigh the pros and cons of. Some folks are all about the idea of having superpowers and being super connected. But for others, the risks are just too much to handle. Neuralink is forging ahead with more trials, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with tech. As we head into this new era, it’s important to think about what it means to blend our minds with machines.

In the future, there will be no phones, just Neuralinks — Elon Musk

Imagine a future where humans have a brain chip that allows them to communicate and get information directly from the Internet and AI, just by thinking?

If it were possible one day, I imagine most wouldn’t hesitate, given the craze for AI and technology in general. But what about those who don’t want to participate and remain human v1?

This sounds eerily similar to the world I describe in my two previous articles, written to warn of the drifts that could lead us towards a dystopian society.



David Herreman

Passionate about artificial intelligence and its applications. Exploring the latest trends, innovations, and insights in AI. 🚀🤖