The best content strategy for an IT solutions website.

I have explained everything in this article, including the case study that got me the interview and the process that led to my job offer.

Dhiraj Ingle
5 min readFeb 5, 2024

Nowadays, designers often prioritise creative approval over user experience (UX) when creating websites. However, they fail to realise that users prioritise UX over UI. This means that a visually impressive design with a poorly executed UX can leave users feeling confused rather than impressed. It’s important for designers to consider the user experience when crafting websites, rather than just the aesthetics.

I chose this design style to match the mental models of our users.

Our goal is to create a website that is user-friendly and intuitive, so that users can easily navigate through it without having to learn anything new. Our clients are here to work with us, not to struggle with our website.
Therefore, it’s important that we showcase our creativity and innovation by highlighting our past successful projects, rather than making it difficult for users to navigate our website.

The company assigned me this task.

To be safe, before we begin, please note that I always refer to the company name as “My site.”

Task details

Company Overview:
“My Site” is a dynamic IT company specialising in software development, digital marketing, and mobile app solutions.

Design a captivating home page for our corporate website that effectively communicates my site’s diverse services in software development, digital marketing, and mobile apps.

The design should be visually appealing, reflecting modern and innovative design principles.
Incorporate clear navigation elements to showcase our services seamlessly.
Include sections for software development, digital marketing, and mobile apps with relevant imagery and concise content.
Ensure mobile responsiveness for a seamless user experience across devices.

Tip — My suggestion is to always make a to-do list before you get started so that you can manage your time effectively and categorise all your findings to keep everything organised.

Here’s how I went about understanding the issue and coming up with a solution: first, I gathered all the necessary information, and then I created a plan of action. Please refer to the image below for a visual representation.

Industry Analysis

Understanding the industry is always a good place to start before anything else. It provides us with valuable insights into user needs, preferences, and expectations, as well as the design trends and standards in the market.

User Preference

To simplify things, I used ChatGPT to better understand the user. I asked ChatGPT to provide me with a user story and their actions (user journey) to help me understand the entire process from start to finish.

User Story

As a small business owner running a boutique clothing store, I’ve noticed a growing demand for online shopping options among my customers. With competition increasing and customer expectations evolving, I realise the need to invest in IT solutions to expand my business and stay competitive in the market.

User Exploring IT Solutions

  • I began researching IT services that specialise in e-commerce website development and online marketing strategies.
  • My goal is to find a solution that not only allows me to sell products online but also enhances the overall customer experience.

This information helped me create a content strategy for the website.

Competitor Analysis

It helps us understand how our product fits into the market compared to similar offerings. By analysing competitors, we can see what is working well and what needs improvement. This allows us to identify opportunities to differentiate our product and create a better user experience.

After conducting a comparative analysis of global and Indian competitors, I observed that Indian companies seem to prioritise the sales of products over the quality of the user interface and user experience. As a result, there is a lack of emphasis on UI/UX design among Indian businesses.

Content Strategy

To start the design strategy, I have done a heuristic evaluation of the current website.

I can not show heuristic evaluation because companies rules and regulations.

After that, I gathered all of the details in one place, compared their similarities, and determined what my content strategy should be, which I roughly implemented to begin designing.

A great UCD that every website needs

So this was my process, guys. I hope you enjoyed it and learned something new.

In case you want to know which case study got me an interview, here it is:

And… That’s a wrap!

I hope you found this article useful and informative. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through any social media platform. I would be more than happy to have a chat with you.

Thanks for reading!



Dhiraj Ingle

Product Designer 🧑🏻‍💻. Challenges make me happy, and if they are unique enough, I write a case study about them in a simple and enjoyable format.