Make your own pharmacy in your backyard.

cherry's world
6 min readDec 27, 2023

The Most Important Thing That’s Probably Missing from Your Backyard, it’s not a barbeque grill…Or a pool…Or a vegetable garden…It’s something that can greatly improve the most important thing in your life: your health.

In a crisis, people will turn to plants once again for both food and medicine. And there are some plants that will vanish faster than all others. So the only way to make sure you have them when you need them is to grow them in your own backyard. In a world brimming with synthetic solutions, our journey begins amidst the vibrant tapestry of medicinal plants — nature’s age-old apothecary. Here we unveil the verdant secrets of the earth — introducing you to the “10 Most Useful Medicinal Plants” that not only thrive in your backyard but also hold the power to transform your well-being.

1)California Poppy:

. Anti-Spasmodic: Effects: California Poppy is known for its antispasmodic qualities, making it beneficial for easing muscle spasms and tension, particularly in conditions like menstrual cramps.

. Sleep Aid: The plant is often used to address sleep disorders and insomnia, assisting in calming the mind and inducing a restful night’s sleep. Why risk the addiction of prescription sleeping pills when you can make your own Sleep Tea from this plant?

Gather any of these: leaves, flowers, or stems. Cut finely, add to a cup or pot, and pour hot water. Let it steep for about 10 minutes. Drink warm just before bed for deep, uninterrupted, and restful sleep that night.

Gather any of these: leaves, flowers, or stems. Cut finely, add to a cup or pot, and pour hot water. Let it steep for about 10 minutes. Drink warm just before bed for deep, uninterrupted, and restful sleep that night.

2)Evening Primrose:

. Skin Health: GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) in Evening Primrose oil is known for promoting healthy skin. It can alleviate skin issues such as eczema and dermatitis, offering relief from itching and inflammation.

. Hormonal Balance: Evening Primrose oil is often used to support women’s health, especially during menstruation and menopause. It may help alleviate symptoms like breast pain, mood swings, and hot flashes.

Grab a leaf or root of the plant and crush it to make a poultice. Apply it directly to a wound or skin rash to promote healing.


. Soothing Insomnia: Chamomile is renowned for its mild sedative properties, making it a go-to remedy for those struggling with insomnia. A warm cup of chamomile tea before bedtime can induce relaxation, promoting restful sleep as like as you can do with California Poppy.

. Skin Health: Applied topically or used in skincare products, chamomile can soothe irritated skin, alleviate eczema, and promote overall skin health. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that contribute to a glowing complexion. You can also use this plant to make your own chamomile oil, which is still probably one of the best natural skin remedies out there.

Take a handful of dried or fresh chamomile leaves and add them to a warm bath. Step inside to relax your entire body, especially sore muscles, and aching joints.

. Enhance the beauty of your backyard with such plants which also take care of your health- click here.

Here you get all you need in your garden

>> The Medicinal Garden Kit<<


. Immune System Boost: When it comes to our health, the immune system is king, and Echinacea is renowned for its immune-enhancing properties. It stimulates the production of white blood cells, fortifying the body’s defense mechanisms against infections and illnesses. There’s no better plant for taking care of your immune system than echinacea.

. Wound Healing: Applied topically, Echinacea can accelerate wound healing. Its antimicrobial properties help prevent infection, and its ability to promote tissue regeneration supports a faster recovery.

Dig up some echinacea roots and slice them rather thinly. Put them in a pot with water and let everything simmer for 30 minutes. Drink hot for an immune boost at the first sign of a cold or any other illness


. Gastrointestinal Support: They contain a sap-like substance called mucilage aids in soothing the digestive tract. It can be beneficial for conditions such as indigestion, heartburn, and gastric ulcers by providing a protective coating to the stomach lining.

. Managing Infections: Marshmallow’s leaves and root are antibacterial, its antimicrobial properties make it potentially useful in managing infections, both internally and externally.

Pull out a few marshmallow roots, wash off the dirt, and add them to a glass jar or cup. Cover with ice-cold water and let the mucilage extract for a few hours. Drink for a soothing and restorative effect all along your digestive tract, from mouth to colon.


. Anti-Inflammatory Powerhouse: Rich in flavonoids, Calendula acts as a natural anti-inflammatory agent. It helps alleviate inflammation internally, making it beneficial for conditions like joint pain and muscle discomfort.

Versatile Culinary Herb: Beyond its medicinal uses, Calendula petals can be a delightful addition to salads, soups, and various culinary creations. Their subtle, peppery flavor adds both a visual and taste appeal to dishes.

. Skin Soothing Marvel: Calendula is renowned for its exceptional skin-healing properties. Whether dealing with minor cuts, bruises, or irritated skin conditions, the plant’s anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial compounds contribute to a speedy recovery.

During the Civil War, calendula flowers were packed directly into open wounds, and they were used by surgeons when dressing wounds to promote healing and prevent infection.

In conclusion, the journey through the world of medicinal plants has been nothing short of extraordinary. As we’ve explored the incredible benefits these green wonders bring to our well-being and the beauty they add to our backyards, it’s clear that nature holds the key to a healthier and more vibrant life.

[ 🌺🌿 Don’t miss out on the chance to create your own herbal sanctuary. (Click here) to get started! 🌐💚Grab those things that matter to you.]

By cultivating health-enhancing plants at home, we embrace a holistic approach to wellness. Let your garden be a testament to the harmony between nature and health. Start small, with herbs and plants that resonate with your needs. As we reconnect with the simplicity of herbal remedies, our journey to better health becomes as natural as the plants themselves. So, take a stroll in your green haven, breathe in the healing vibes, and let the magic of medicinal plants be your guide to a healthier, happier life.

Imagine a garden that not only mesmerizes the eyes but also nurtures the body and soul. With our Medicinal Plants Garden Kit, that dream becomes a reality. 🌿✨ Ready to cultivate well-being? Click to explore! 🌐🌷



cherry's world

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