My Social Sabbatical Journey — week 2

Saminder Kaur
2 min readMay 2, 2024


After a refreshing weekend, we began week 2 of the project with renewed energy. During the second week, we had the opportunity to learn from various stakeholders involved in our project, which aims to provide support to people in their businesses and improving their lives. We had valuable conversations with mentors who generously dedicate their time to teaching and assisting entrepreneurs in the program. They shared their passion, vision, and the specific needs of the entrepreneurs they work with. These insights were incredibly enlightening and helped us better understand the support needed by the entrepreneurs.

Additionally, we conducted interviews with entrepreneurs who had completed the programs, and it was eye-opening to hear about the ongoing support they require, especially during challenging times. One entrepreneur shared her story and how mentoring and coaching were crucial in helping her get back on track.

Furthermore, we spoke with members of co-working spaces who expressed their appreciation for Impact Hub and the opportunities it provides for networking and growth. One entrepreneur highlighted how the inspiring workspace and breathtaking views fueled her creativity.

Based on the invaluable insights gathered from these interactions, we were able to create personas for our project, enabling us to tailor our support to better meet the needs of the entrepreneurs.

Myself, Heather and Simon at AYA Hub

In addition to these stakeholder engagements, we attended an event at AYA Hub São Paulo, where we were inspired by a speech from co-founder Alexandre Allard. His vision for social entrepreneurship and environmental impact invigorated our approach to our project tasks.

In summary, the second week was filled with extensive research, brainstorming, and data analysis. We delved into platforms, solutions, and company research, and we are now well-prepared for the upcoming week.

A special dish prepared by our project manager Laura

A memorable highlight of the week was a barbecue at our project manager’s home. It was a heartwarming experience as we immersed ourselves in Brazilian culture, enjoyed delicious home-cooked meals, and engaged in enriching conversations. The warmth and hospitality extended to us left a lasting impression, and I am deeply grateful to SAP for this incredible learning opportunity and the chance to make a positive impact.

To continue reading — week 3

