My Social Sabbatical Journey week 4: Wrapping Up with Gratitude and Achievement

Saminder Kaur
3 min readMay 16, 2024


As our social sabbatical came to a close, our team was filled with a deep sense of gratitude and excitement. The final week was a culmination of our hard work, as we presented our findings, developed executive summaries, and handed over our completed projects to the host organizations.

SoSA Team Impact Hub

Our focus this week was to conclude our project and develop a comprehensive handbook for our client, documenting all of our research and ideas to generate revenue while incorporating the needs of the different communities we had listened to over the past 3 weeks.

SoSA Final Presentations, São Paulo 2024

We wrapped up our work with presentations of our achievements and recommendations to the extended leadership team of Impact Hub, and handed over our deliverables, empowering them to turn our concepts into reality as they continue to grow and make a positive impact in the community.

SAP Office, São Paulo

The highlight of the week was our final presentation at the SAP Office in São Paulo, where we shared the work done in all our projects with our SAP colleagues. The feedback we received from Impact Hub was incredibly positive, with the whole company board expressing excitement about the results and the significant change our work will bring to their organization.

Impact Hub Project Presentation

As I reflect on the past 4 weeks, I am proud of what Simon Poll, Heather Walker and I accomplished together. We were pushed out of our comfort zone and tasked with solving complex issues, but through teamwork and perseverance, we were able to identify business models, potential monetization strategies, and provide recommendations for scalability and technology solutions. I have learned a tremendous amount professionally and personally from all the amazing colleagues and entrepreneurs I have had the opportunity to work with.

Team Impact Hub

I am truly grateful to SAP for this incredible opportunity to learn and make an impact, and I am thankful to my management and team for supporting me to participate in this social sabbatical project.

As I prepare to return home, I have mixed emotions. While I am sad that this incredible journey is coming to an end, I am also excited to reunite with my family and my office team. I look forward to sharing my experiences and learnings from this amazing opportunity, and to continue contributing to positive change in both my personal and professional life. The memories and friendships from my social sabbatical are something I will always cherish.

Kick Off: My Social Sabbatical Journey

