Letter To My Future Daughter

Dhrishni Thakuria
4 min readApr 18, 2020


Hey Girl.

This is weird. You would think your mom’s too cool for this shit but here’s something you need to know. I love you and I have loved you even before I held you in my arms for the first time. Know that you were born a warrior and you will always have to be that. I’m *never* going to ask you to prove your worth, never. You came to this earth on your own and your identity is *you* alone.

There are only two things you need to know.

One, your mother is your best friend so we better keep that mutual. Don’t you ever approach me with fear and apprehensions because that will kill what’s out-worldly precious between us.

Two, I am not going to be there for you all the time, definitely not when you are wailing for the silly things.

I expect nothing and nothing more from you than for you be the strongest person I know. So every time you fall, I will keep an eye. I will be there but I am not going to pick you up. You have to do it yourself.

Know this. The world is going to kick your ass, make you run in races that you might not want to be a part of. You decide which races you want to run. Even if it be alone. We will travel together, fight, do crazy stuff together. But at the end, please be safe and look after yourself.

Everytime you need me I will be there to guide you but not to see you be helpless. No. As many years or decades I have with you, let’s have fun together. I am already proud of you, because you are the best gift of God to me.

You might break down once a while but you will be okay sooner, trust me. There will be happy as well as sad days for you. So shield yourself well.

Go out. Meet people. Be smart, be bold, be confident. Make mistakes. Travel. Learn new things. Explore to your max.

Your short dress, your breakups, your hideous thoughts, your anger, your humiliating secrets will also be heard and looked upon by me. But if you expect yourself to be dependent on me for the silliest things, I’m sorry, your mother is not up for that task.

I will wipe your tears. I will jump with you to all your happiness. Your strength will be my strength. Your weaknesses will be my weakness. So you better learn it from an early age that you will be a mutual responsibility of mine and yours. Not mine alone.

There are things about me that you might not like. There are things to you that I might not like. But rather than fighting or distancing away, let’s see how we can find a solution together.

I won’t force upon you to live my dreams or become someone I wish I became. You decide and share with me. I will definitely guide you with your ambitions. But ensure you are ambitious. Being a woman in this world is tough. Shield well. But before that be a good human being, and have a good heart. Try to not hurt yourself. More importantly try to not hurt anyone near and dear to you.

Karma’s a bitch, and that’s inevitable. I would rather be more interested in your achievements, in your ability to make strong decisions. Your failing grades are not my priority. But try not failing, please :P

When you come and tell me "mumma, I want to learn karate". Yes I will take you to the best coach I can find in town. But if you come to me everytime with silly ranting like "mumma, she wore a gorgeous dress. I want one too" or "mumma, they made fun of me. I feel like crying". I’m sorry, you will be royally ignored. Go kick their balls if they hurt you. Nobody should dare to raise finger on you for baseless reasons. That’s a totally different thing if you have caused damage then you have to face the repurcussions too. If you want that gorgeous dress, EARN IT! Or at least, prove why that dress is important to you.

There are many things I would want to write but maybe we could also talk about them when the time’s right. You never worry about looking pretty, that you anyway are 'cause it’s in your genes, haha. Be a beautiful person, a smart person, a confident girl. The world should think twice before speaking against you.

I care for you and you would know that better. But I reiterate, I am going to be your best friend first. So treat me like one. You are going to have a roller coaster ride ahead. Some joy, some pain, some heart breaks too but hang in there! Never give up. I never did. If I was to give up on you, you wouldn’t be reading this.

Make your mumma prouder.

Be my strength as I am to you.

I love you.

With all my heart,

Your Best Friend.



Dhrishni Thakuria

Content Marketer • Prompt Researcher | Krutrim, Ola Electric, Urban Company, Housing.com, TurboHire • 9+ years of work experience | Manchester United fan