The other side

Often forgotten

Dhruv Mehta


We forget the other side too easily. We forget where we come from too easily. We don’t remember how it is to be hungry for a day. A day? Most of us don’t even remember what it feels like to be hungry for hours. Because we will usually eat before that point anyway. We don’t remember life before phones. Could you meet with a friend if one of you didn’t have a phone? What if both of you didn’t have phones? I wonder if there’s value in committing do doing one thing for a whole day every couple weeks. A thing which you remember being able to do but don’t do anymore.

This morning I decided I was going to fast today. No food for 24 hours. Simple. It’s reminding me of the feeling of extended hunger, and also of how my body and mind are related. I definitely need to explicitly calm myself down today. It’s making me exercise conscious distancing of stimulus and response.

Here’s hoping this process help me (and maybe you?) unfold creative powers which are buried under the monotone of routine.

