“Reading this blog fills you with determination.” Undertale review

Dhruv Yadav
3 min readSep 3, 2018


I have always been a massive fan of old-school RPGs. Even now I still play these games in my free time. On September 15, 2015, we got Undertale, an Indie RPG game created by Toby Fox, and it has been one of my favorites since. I’ll try not to spoil everything.

Some information on the game
Undertale takes place in Underground, a massive cave where monsters have been banished to after losing a war with humanity. A human child accidentally falls into the Underground and has to survive from all the monsters trying to kill him, by destroying them or befriending them.
It is a top-down RPG with mixed turn-based and bullet hell battle system with a unique feature of sparing our enemies instead of killing them.
Every action that the player takes has consequences and changes the further storyline.

Our Main Character (centre) in Snowdin, a town in Undertale

But what is an RPG?
RPG, or Role-Playing Game, is a genre of video games in which the player controls the action of the character in the game. Some of the most famous examples of RPGs are Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda and the Tales series. The basic terminology and mechanics stay the same in most RPG like leveling, healing items, etc. The main storyline in most RPGs is about the main character saving the world from some evil society or a single boss entity with his party members by completing various quests and defeating other enemies. There are many subcategories in RPG which includes JRPG, RPG games made in Japan with animesque graphics, and MMORPG, multiplayer online RPG.

A screenshot from Pokemon Emerald

Why do I love Undertale so much?
The main reason I love the game so much is because of its story. Like most games, when you finish them, you are filled with a bit of emptiness, but Undertale never creates that void. It fills you with so many emotions at each level. It is happy at times, even annoying when you are not able to beat that one boss, but the majority of the storyline has a bit of sad but satisfying feel to it.

Toriel battle fanart by Pdubbsquared on DeviantArt

Its soundtrack is also one of the most beautiful music pieces I have heard in a video game. They extremely complement the gameplay. “His theme” is my favorite OST from the game. The combination of the music and the end storyline made by heart melt and tears gush out of my eyes.
It is also full of easter eggs and secrets which makes you want to play more to unveil them all.
A few years back Roger Ebert, an American Film critic, stated that “Video games can never be art,” which was rebutted by tons of examples of great video games. Undertale is one of the finest examples of video games that are considered pieces of art.

Now the question comes up, “Is it worth playing?” The answer is yes, and it will never change. It is not a huge game also so anyone can play it even with a busy schedule.

Undertale fanart by CubedCake on Twitter

