Meditation and mindfulness inspiration

Dhruva O’Shea
2 min readFeb 5, 2018

We identify with concepts as ourselves; our body, our mind, our look, our persona, our culture, our place in society, our position in space and time. Become present in the space where all that identification is removed. You are simply left with “I”. When you discover you’re not alone you will see it is “we” but to start with just focus on the “I”. Don’t stop. Practice it everyday. Each day is more intense, more revealing, more empowering. This is meditation. Don’t search for the self. Be your-self, by letting go of identification with all the concepts that are not your-self. It is at this place that you will meet with your potencial to identify with anything. There you meet with your choice. Choose wisely and powerfully. Carry on in the theatre 🎭 of matter free from anxiety or enter a different drama all together. Know what is truly you and know that you share that we all others. In that way you can identify with all others. Meditation can peace formular. Meditation gives you super powers, super powers that you already have, because you Can potentially commit to anything.

Find more on meditation, philosophy, consciousness, free will, the vedas, science and much more at my blog

Om namo bhagavte vasudevaya

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

