30+ Best Email Campaign Software to Use in 2020 for Effective Growth

Dhruv Patel
15 min readJan 17, 2020


In recent years marketers have diversified to various mediums such as social media, chatbots, influencers and many more ways to reach their customers. However, email still drives the best ROI out of all B2B marketing strategies. For every $1 spent on email marketing generates $38, which makes it the most powerful marketing channel.

With a number like this, everyone wants to make the most out of their emails. If you happen to be one, all you need is the best email campaign software to scale smart. However, finding the right tool is the biggest challenge.

Considering the challenge of finding the right tool, I’m going to list out the best email campaign software that will help you automate your email marketing process. Full-featured email tools will accelerate your consumer engagement and improve sales conversion rates.

A Curated list of Top Email Campaign Software:


SalesHandy is among the most popular email campaign software that will enhance the performance and email productivity of your team. You can automate your email campaigns, send personalized emails, schedule follow-ups, track unlimited emails for free for a lifetime and many more.

SalesHandy also provides insights on your email opens, link click, document tracking with per page view time and integrations with hundreds of powerful apps, allowing you to streamline your process. In addition, you get email templates that can be customized and reuse time and again.

Key Feature of SalesHandy

Personalized marketing gives the best result, SalesHandy allows you to send up to 10,000 personalized emails in a day. Using Mail Merge tags, you can send a mass email campaign.

To start your email campaign, you need to create and upload a CSV list of all your recipients with their details.

  1. Upload the CSV file on SalesHandy, and all your recipients will be added to your SalesHandy recipient’s list with their names and other details available in the CSV.
  2. After that, add your email body and subject line, as shown in the image below, with the personalized merge tags for creating a good impact on your recipients.
  1. 50% of conversions happen after follow-ups . With SalesHandy, you can add up to 9 follow up stages to keep your customers engaged. You can automate your workflow by providing conditions to your primary mail and also to your follow-up emails.
  2. You can schedule your mass email campaign according to your convenient time zone and also decide the time interval you want to keep between two consecutive emails for more human-like sending.

As a part of advanced email campaign software, SalesHandy also has a feature of advanced email and document analytics. You can analyze the results of your emails, check the average open and reply rates, and even monitor the effectiveness of your email templates. With the Document Analytics feature, you can check the open rate of your documents, and you can also get the page-wise analysis of the same.

With SalesHandy, you can track unlimited email opens, link clicks, get read receipts, instant desktop email open notifications. SalesHandy also allows its users to track the recipient’s location and device from which the email is opened. And the best thing is the recipient will be unaware of all these tracking activities. The Email Scheduling feature, allows you to schedule your emails according to different timezone and send your emails according to your convenience.

With SalesHandy, you can create and save custom templates for effective email campaigns. The templates can be shared among the team for excellent productivity and each template’s performance report is generated to analyze which template provides the best result.

You can take all these functions to your favorite CRM like Salesforce via Zapier webhook integrations as well.

Pricing Plans:

  • Unlimited Email Tracking for Forever
  • Unlimited Email Scheduling for Forever
  • Email Support
  • Unlimited Email Tracking & Scheduling
  • Document Tracking
  • 200 Emails per day
  • Shared Email Templates
  • All the features of Regular plan +
  • 1600 Emails per day
  • Link Tracking
  • 9 follow up stages
  • All the features of Plus plan +
  • 2000 Emails per day
  • SMTP integration


MailerLite allows you to create simplified email marketing campaigns and send automated follow-ups. Small to mid-sized startup use this email campaign software to send email newsletters and other marketing campaigns. It helps you to integrate with the popular web tools to leverage the customer data. MailerLite provides tracking analytics and activity feeds for improving your email deliverability with time. It also offers different types of templates for scheduling meetings and feedback.


SendinBlue is one of the email campaign software that provides ease of sending emails, SMS, and organizing contacts by automating it. This tool is used by various marketers to send marketing newsletters and nurturing them to have a better conversion. The tool provides multiple points for various activities as a part of email gamification.

Aritic Pinpoint

Aritic Pinpoint allows its users to automate their drip email campaigns workflow according to different actions, conditions, and decisions. You can easily drag and drop different attributes to design workflow with it, and the tool works accordingly. Additionally it allows you to optimize email sending time, A/B split testing, email analysis report to get higher engagement and better conversion.


Zoho is one of the best email campaign software to send a massive number of emails in a single shot to drive sales. It helps to engage your users with personalized and centralized emails to move the prospect closer to selling. You can add different types of triggers and automation to send a series of emails and an enjoyable journey as well. Marketers mostly use it for sending beautified newsletters. It enables integration with Zoho CRM and other business applications that you use.

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is one of the oldest email campaign software that started in 1995. With time, they have added multiple advanced features like surveys and social campaigns. Marketers usually use the tool for email automation and sending recurring newsletters. It provides easy to drag and drop to design a custom email template, email automation to keep the audience engaged and provide real-time analytics to stay top of the game with an effective email marketing campaign.


Engagebay is an email automated marketing tool that is an ideal tool for marketing professionals who want to do an email campaign. It allows you to send personalized mass emails to generate leads, nurture the prospects, and close the deals. It also provides features of SMS messaging, Social Marketing with the email campaign software.

Email Octopus

Design your email campaign workflow and shoot your emails. With Email Octopus, you can schedule your follow-ups with beautified HTML emails. This email campaign software helps you with adding time-based drip campaigns to automate your email marketing process. They also provide real-time analytics for every sequence for improving your email productivity.


Automizy is known for its easy drag and drop feature while drafting an email. This email campaign software allows you to create conditions and decisions in every email and completely automate that helps you to increase your open rates. It is also having a feature of personalization and email segmentation to make your emails more human-like. Automizy connects with tools like Hubspot, SalesForce, Slack, Unbounce, Zapier, Leadpage, Mailchimp and many more.


Esputnik is an email campaign software that makes your email marketing work simpler. It has high-end features like marketing automation with personalization, email builder, email list segmentation, multichannel messaging, and AI-based analytics, which keeps the tool unique from others. For an eCommerce, the automated cart abandonment emails with Esputnik increases reduce cart abandonment and increase sales.


SendX is a straightforward email campaign software that allows you to send email campaigns to multiple users and automate your followup process. It has pre-built email templates that save time. Many Sales Professionals and Digital Marketers use this tool to send mass emails and automate their followups. SendX helps marketers to grow an email list, create a landing page, automate email sequences and HTML email design with Drag and Drop feature.


Bulk Response is an SMTP relay provider that allows you to automate your email campaigns. They allow you to add unlimited contacts and send unlimited email campaigns with unlimited auto responders in their high-end plans. Those Marketers use Email Marketing as their priority task usually moves with this tool. They also provide email bounce handling, email triggers, and over 1000


MailChimp is one of the most robust email campaign software. MailChimp started with allowing its users to send newsletters, but at a later time, it builds itself as a premium email marketing automation tool. Apart from the basic features of link clicks and email open notifications, it also allows you to automate your goals and calculate your productivity. Many email marketers have liked the charming monkey.


ConvertKit is a basic email marketing automation tool that allows us to add conditions and decisions for email workflow. You can add your funnel, keep an eye on your audience’s behavior, and segment them accordingly. With their visual automation builder, you can send well-timed, personalized, targeted content to the humans in your audience so you can stay focused on what matters most: growing your online business and blogs readers.


Campaigner is an advanced email campaign tool with a feature of Marketing Automation. It allows you to capture new leads, nurture and close deals. You can automate your workflows according to the type of users. The workflow is designed with visual, conditional, behavioural can conversation triggers. It also has a function of sending personalized emails and advanced tracking analytics to grow your productivity. It is one of the best email marketing automation tools.


Aweber is one of the most popular and widely used email campaign software that provides you with everything, starting from sending Email newsletters to increasing email deliverability rates. Aweber offers complete email marketing with auto responder, A/B testing, design beautiful email templates to build relationships with your customer to accelerate growth. You can integrate your Aweber account with various software and APIs for better analytics and an increase in productivity. Aweber is also available with a mobile app.


GetResponse is an all in one marketing automation tool that allows you to design all types of messages like newsletters, smart autoresponder, automated emails, and blog digests. It has all essential email functionality like email tracking, personalized mailing, and split testing. With its automation feature, you can design workflows with up to a hundred conditions and get a real-time user journey.


Wyzebulb is a marketing automation tool that includes features such as Analytics, ROI tracking, drip campaigns, segmentation, and website visitor tracking. You can automate your email task and schedule it to send daily, weekly, or yearly at your convenience. It is counted as one of the simplest email campaign software.

Agile CRM

Agile CRM is a customer relationship management software that makes the entire marketing and sales lifecycles efficient with features like sales enablement, marketing automation, social suite, and web engagement. Its Marketing Automation features help the marketers to automate their email campaigns, schedule timers, A/B test, lead scoring, cart abandonment, and decide the workflow.


SendPulse Automation 360 is one of the best email campaign software that can help you get to spread the word in the easiest way possible. Just add an event, automate your conditions, and when the conditions get triggered, your emails will blast accordingly. It also provides various visual statistics to understand your user’s behavior easily.


Drip is the most popular email campaign software that is used by the top email marketers across the globe. With Drip, a sender can segment the recipients list very neatly and send personalized mass emails. With all these features, Drip also allows you with easy optimization of your emails with various analytics and social connections with your recipients. eCommerce business can use Drip as a CRM and use data for marketing their customers and increasing sales exponentially. It can be connected with popular eCommerce platforms such as Magento WooCommerce, WordPress and many CRM to streamline the marketing and scale the Sales.

Active Campaign

Active Campaign is a simple email marketing automation tool used by many experts around the globe. It is a complete suite of many amazing features like setting your automated goals, designing an automated workflow map, tracking the user behavior, and making your emails more productive. The split action feature in the Active Campaign makes it easier to control your automation with some drag and drops.


Automate your workflows, schedule a drip campaign, or send predesigned templates. These features work amazingly with Sender. Sender helps you with onboarding a new user, nurturing them, and sending periodic emails and newsletters perfectly. It is most comparable to the eCommerce business, allows multiple eCommerce website integrations such as WordPress, Magento, WooCommerce and many more. With Sender, it’s something like keeping your Marketing automation in auto-pilot mode.


Reply.io is a clean email campaign software that helps you with adding your email list, set up personalized emails, and send them at one go. You can automate your email follow-ups and get more close to the prospect. Reply provides the A/B testing for the email campaigns, email sequences and templates that boost the sales. This email campaign tool is used by sales professionals to get their leads qualified.


Gmelius is mostly used by sales experts to automate the whole Sales Funnel. It lets you manage your customer and project pipelines directly from your inbox. This email campaign software helps you send a personalized email to your target audience. Gmelius empowers your team with tools for collaboration and automation like shared inboxes and shared labels, shareable sequences, templates, project boards, and more. Additionally, Gmelius provides email templates, CRM for Gmail, Email Tracking, Mail Merge. Email Delegation and Email Sharing for collaboration.


Woodpecker is a B2B email campaign software for sending personalized cold emails directly from your inbox. You can automate your emails and follow-ups, track the replies, and have detailed analysis reports of your email campaigns. This tool is used by different types of industries to save their precious time and make their emails more productive.


Mailcot is an essential mass mailing service provider company in India. They automate your mass email campaigns from a relay service provider by adding goals to your email marketing, designing a workflow, and measure your success. Marketing professionals usually use it to automate their email marketing.


Mailshake is a simple email campaign software used for sending cold emails by various sales and marketing professionals. It allows you to create a personalized email with automated followup sequences to build a better sales engagement. Additionally, Mailshake provides you with free sales and marketing email templates, email open rates, link clicks and many more email analytics. It can be integrated with Lead Catcher CRM to track the email campaign performance.


Klenty is an email campaign software that allows you to manage your prospects and automate your email campaigns. Using mail merge, you can send personalized emails and automated followups at scale to your potential customers. You can integrate your Klenty account with most of the CRMs. As per the receipts action such as email opens, clicks, replies, etc. action can be triggered by the respective CRM to make your workflow smooth.


Followup is again a very small and simple email campaign software to manage your email campaigns, set up reminders for followups and other features. They also provide features like email tracking, automated followups, and template management. It is usually used by startups to grow their organization. Along with automating emails, FollowupCC allows you to create a personalized CRM within Gmail.


Mixmax is an ideal tool to automate your workflow in some simple steps. Apart from simple features like scheduling email campaigns, email tracking, and template management, this email campaign software has advanced features like LinkedIn connect, and calendar feeds. All types of email marketing experts usually use this. Mixmax can be integrated with the likes of SalesForce to send a drip campaign.


Quickmail.io is one of the most friendly email campaign software to automate your personalized drip campaign and manage your workflow. You can set multiple auto followups as per the action and activities of your email recipients. Its team management feature allows its users to automate all the email activities of the team. It is used by Sales experts to reach their prospects in masses.


As the name suggests, Makesbridge builds a bridge between the email recipients and the sender. It has a long list of features like Automated Drip Campaigns, Autobots, Prospect nurturing, Autoresponders, Behavioural alerts, and many more. Many organizations use it for automating their emails and keeping track of their prospects and customers.

Benefits of Email Campaign Softwares

Email campaign software is used for nurturing your prospects and converting them to customers. To complete the process, email campaign software provides various benefits to you. I am listing down all the benefits of email campaign software for using the tools quickly and effectively.

1. Saves Time

Time is money, thus using email campaign softwares you can automate email workflow and save time. With email automation tools, you can automate your followup and you don’t have to wait and reply to each recipient individually. Manual list building and email segmentation can be eliminated to save a big chunk of time.

2. Makes the email relevant for the recipient

Email campaign software provides personalization, which makes every email personalized for the recipient. These tools also segment your recipient list into various categories and make your work easier. Using the right email tools you can land in your customers inbox at the right time for a better conversion rate.

3. Reduces cost

Email automation reduces the human effort and chances of error is least, this reduces your cost of email marketing. With email campaign software, you can automate all your emails from a single mailbox with any human intervention, which saves a lot of costs.

4. Increases Email Productivity

The major email campaign software follows the best practices of sending emails, which prevent your emails from landing in the spam box. The increase in your email deliverability increases your email productivity. Better email productivity means more conversions. More conversions lead to more customers and in short increase in revenue.

5. Increases Revenue

Email marketing brings the best conversation compared to other marketing channels. With the best tools and right marketing strategies, you can automate your email conversation and boost your overall revenue.


Email campaign software is the most crucial element for a successful marketing campaign. I hope this blog has helped you decide the best email tools suitable for your business to automate and scale up your email campaign.

However, if you have decided to start with an email campaign software that solves your problem, it should be SalesHandy. It has everything a business needs- Easy to use, affordable with a wide range of features to engage the prospect and close more sales.

Last but not least, if you have been using any other email campaign software that has given you good results, please feel free to add your experience in the comment section. I would like to hear from you.

Originally published at https://www.saleshandy.com on January 17, 2020



Dhruv Patel

Marketer, people person, SaaS enthusiast, hustler, & growth hacker. Co-founder at SalesHandy https://www.saleshandy.com