Setting resolutions for 2019 is the wrong answer

Daniel Truex
2 min readDec 31, 2018


“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” — Bill Gates

It’s that time of year… and people are firmly divided into two camps. One side fully embraces the concept of new year, new self. The other thinks it’s largely a waste of time.

Which is it?

Both are wrong.

What kind of foundation can you build if you scoff at those setting goals? What size foundation can you build in a year?

If people drastically overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in 10 years, then why we do we keep setting ourselves up for failure with poorly planned new year’s resolutions.

The problem with short term goals is that we tend to set them for what we believe is possible. We sell ourselves short of what we are truly capable of.

Stop It.

Try something different.

Make a 10-year plan. What is your dream life? What do you need to do to get there? For once actually plan your life. Engineer the outcome you want in life.

Ask yourself what do you want? The question isn’t what you think you can do, or what’s possible. WHAT. DO. YOU. WANT?

You can’t get there in a year. Not if you’re being honest with yourself. Not if your setting goals that actually would make a difference in your life.

One Decade. Where can you be? Where will you be?

Would you rather make the decade yours? Or drift along year-to-year setting small new year’s goals that aren’t attached to a higher, overarching purpose?

“The great danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.” –Michelangelo

The problem with small goals is they don’t inspire. Massive goals do, especially when you attach them to a higher purpose.

Set massive goals, plan the steps to get there, and then celebrate the small wins along the way.

You can do so much more if you stop settling for so much less.

About the Author:

Dan’s passion is taking his experience and helping you apply it to your day-to-day life in order to define and achieve personal success. He has decades of experience as a leader and mentor through his time in the military and law enforcement. Interact with him on instagram @dan_truex

