The Significance of Berberine in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes

Morteza Ariana
4 min readDec 17, 2023


I live with my family in a small town in Bavaria in southern Germany. Nowadays, there are a lot of refugees from the Middle East and Afghanistan here. They have opened stores where you can buy more or less exotic things and food, which makes the town less boring. A few days ago, my son and I went for a walk. In one of these stores, we saw berberine roots. These are simply pieces of yellow wood. I was happy to have easy access to them. So I bought some.

The package said how to make tea, which is very easy to prepare. I knew of the many health benefits of berberine, especially as a supplement in the treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity. But somehow, I was always too lazy to buy it on Amazon. This also had to do with the fact that I am neither diabetic nor obese. Anyway, when my wife comes home late from work, we eat late for dinner. To extend the biological time of my fasting, which takes 18 hours up to the next day at noon, I drink a big cup of tea made from the roots you see in the image below.

Berberine Roots

Berberine is a compound found naturally in many plants. Berberine has a long history in traditional Chinese medicine, where it has been used to treat various ailments.[1] Now, modern science suggests that it has impressive benefits for many health concerns. [2] Some research suggests that it may help promote weight loss, lower blood sugar regulation, and minimize the risk of chronic conditions especially (pre)type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

How does it work?

Berberine has been tested in hundreds of studies. One of the main actions of berberine is to activate an enzyme inside cells called AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), according to some animal studies [3] [4] AMPK plays a key role in regulating metabolism and energy levels and is found in cells throughout your body [5] [6]. Berberine also affects other molecules inside cells and may even affect which genes are turned on or off. This could help protect against many chronic health conditions [7].

It lowers blood sugar levels

Many studies show that berberine can significantly lower blood sugar levels in people with (pre)type 2 diabetes [8].

It works via multiple mechanisms and may help [9] [10]

  • improve insulin sensitivity by making the blood sugar-lowering hormone insulin more effective
  • support glycolysis — breaking down sugars inside cells
  • decrease sugar production in the liver
  • slow the digestion of carbs in the gut
  • increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut

In a 2008 study of 116 people with diabetes, taking 1 gram of berberine per day lowered fasting blood sugar by 20% [11]. It also lowered hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), a marker of long-term blood sugar regulation, by 12% and improved levels of blood lipids such as triglycerides [11]. According to an older meta-analysis of 14 studies, berberine may be as effective as metformin, glipizide, and rosiglitazone [12]. It works very well in combination with lifestyle changes and has additive effects when used with other blood sugar-lowering drugs [13]


Berberine may help you lose weight

Berberine may also be a powerful weight loss supplement. In one older 12-week trial in people with obesity, ingesting 500 milligrams (mg) of berberine three times per day caused roughly 5 pounds of weight loss, on average. The participants also lost 3.6% of their body fat [14]. Additionally, a review of 12 studies found that supplementing with berberine led to significant reductions in body weight, body mass index, and belly fat. It also decreased levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation [15]. Additionally, berberine appears to stop the development of fat cells at the molecular level, which may aid in weight loss [16]

Much Love & thanks for your interest. I am Morteza. I write about reversing type 2 diabetes through healthy foods and lifestyle choices. To see my stories pop up on your feed, I’d love you to follow me.

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Morteza Ariana

Certified Nutrition Consultant, Certified Diabetes Educator, Continuing Medical Education on Low Carb Treating Diabetes 2 & Metabolic Syndrome